9A.8 An objective method to determine Tropical Cyclone center near landfall from WSR-88D data—The GBVTD- simplex algorithm

Thursday, 25 May 2000: 12:00 PM
Wen-Chau Lee, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and F. D. Marks Jr.

A single Doppler radar Tropical Cyclone (TC) wind retrieval technique - the ground-based velocity track display (GBVTD) has been proposed by Lee et al. (1999). It has been acknowledged that the quality of the GBVTD-retrieved TC circulation strongly depends on accurately knowing its center position. However, existing single Doppler radar center finding algorithms are limited to estimate centers for axisymmetric TCs. The proposed algorithm uses a simplex method to objectively estimate the TC vorticity center by maximizing GBVTD-retrieved mean tangential wind.

When tested with a number of axisymmetric and asymmetric analytical TCs, the accuracy of the TC centers estimated by the GBVTD-simplex algorithm is ~340 m from the true center. When adding 5 m s-1 random noise to the Doppler velocities, the accuracy of the TC centers in nearly unchanged at 350 m. When applying the GBVTD-simplex algorithm to Typhoon Alex (1987), the estimated uncertainty varies between 0.1 km and 2 km. When the overall velocity gradient is weak, the uncertainties in the retrieved TC centers are usually large. The GBVTD-simplex algorithm sometimes has problems finding a solution when a large sector of Doppler radar data is missing in conjunction with weak velocity gradients.

The GBVTD-simplex algorithm significantly reduces the uncertainties in estimating TC center position compared with existing methods and improves the quality of the GBVTD-retrieved TC circulation. The GBVTD-simplex algorithm is computationally efficient and can be easily adapted for real-time applications.

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