Wednesday, 24 May 2000
Two methods have been developed to extract tropical cyclone intensities from passive microwave digital imagery. Computer vision and neural network techniques have been applied to a large set (~1,500) of Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) images coincident with tropical cyclones around the world. The data set includes systems ranging from tropical depression to Cat 5 or Super Typhoon status.
Tropical cyclone structure is readily apparent when viewing the patterns in SSM/I images (especially 85 GHz channel). Two methods have been trained using a large dependent data set using best track intensities from NHC and JTWC. Tests on independent (withheld) data sets, indicate the algorithms have reached a level near the likely accuracy limits of the best track data sets. Examples for long-lived storms will be used to illustrate the current capabilities using storms from several seasons and basins.