Wednesday, 24 May 2000
Infrared (IR) based Objective Dvorak Technique (ODT)
intensity estimates of tropical cyclones are used to
assist an automated method of extracting intensities
using passive microwave imagery. Passive microwave
digital data from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager
(SSM/I) can often permit the analyst to view TC structure
not feasible in IR or visible imagery. However, there are
no current manual methods similar to the Dvorak scheme to
relate SSM/I imagery to storm strength.
Efforts to use computer vision and neural networks to derive TC intensities from passive microwave data have reached a level of success, but are partially hindered by the relatively few polar orbiter passes. The new effort incorporates the more frequent ODT estimates as a first guess to the passive microwave technique in an attempt to reduce to image to image variability previously encountered. Examples during spanning the lifetime of several long-lived storms will be illustrated.