|  | 9.10 | Status of RUC convection forecasts in the 3-6h range John M. Brown, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; and S. Benjamin, G. Grell, J. Hart, and J. L. Mahoney |
| 3:45 PM | 9.11 | A Comparison of Boundary Layer Wind Estimation Techniques Rich DeLaura, MIT Lincoln Lab., Lexington, MA; and R. E. Cole, N. A. Crook, and J. Sun |
| 4:00 PM | 9.12 | The value in probabilities for aerodrome forecasts Ross Keith, Bureau of Meteorology and James Cook Univ., Townsville, Australia; and I. Mason |
| 4:15 PM | 9.13 | TAF Verification Glen R. Harris, Met Office, Bracknell, Berks., United Kingdom |
| 4:30 PM | 9.14 | TAF quality improvement (TQI) efforts in Canada Alister Ling, MSC, Edmonton, AB, Canada |
| 4:45 PM | 9.15 | Uses of Real-Time Verification to Improve Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts David R. Manning, NOAA/NWSFO, Tulsa, OK; and S. A. Amburn and J. M. Frederick |
| 5:00 PM | 9.16 | Statistical Measures of the Skill of Marine Stratus Forecast Models F. Wesley Wilson, NCAR, Boulder, CO |