13th Conference on Applied Climatology and the 10th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology

Wednesday, 15 May 2002: 4:30 PM
TAF quality improvement (TQI) efforts in Canada
Alister Ling, MSC, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Poster PDF (46.1 kB)
The Meteorological Service of Canada produces over 180 TAFs across Canada under contract to NAV CANADA, a private company that's responsible for the air navigation system in Canada. In order to improve the quality of the TAFs, a program has been initiated that examines aspects of TAF construction and their impacts on the users. The four categories being considered are accuracy, utility, client contact, and error reduction. The presentation will highlight steps being taken in each of these aspects and cover the progress that's been made to date. Of related interest are new tools (software and guidance products) and a decision-making process for delivering the best forecast possible.

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