7 Nonlinear traveling wave solution for the MJO skeleton model

Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Golden Ballroom (Town and Country Resort )
Shengqian Chen, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI; and S. N. Stechmann

Handout (152.2 kB)

Recently, a minimal dynamical model is presented for capturing MJO's fundamental features. The model is a nonlinear oscillator model for the MJO skeleton and it involves interactions between convection, moisture and circulation. I will present the exact nonlinear traveling wave solutions for the model based on its energy conservation. The exact nonlinear solution provides for an explicit comparison of features between linear and nonlinear waves such as dispersion relations and traveling wave speeds. Moreover, the nonlinear solutions, compared with the linear ones, produce more realistic MJO structure, such as a narrow region of active convection and a wider region of suppressed convection.
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