Poster Session 7R |
| wind profilers and vertical profiles of reflectivity |
| | P7R.1 | Time-frequency analysis of UHF and VHF profiler observed winds over the central equatorial Pacific Robert Schafer, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
| | P7R.2 | The Meiyu precipitating cloud system studies using wind profiler in China Krishna Reddy, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan; and B. Geng, H. Yamada, and H. Uyeda |
| | P7R.3 | Technical contributions of Mr. Dale Sirmans to Doppler weather radar development Richard L. Ice, Wyle Information Systems, Norman, OK; and D. A. Warde and B. Bumgarner |
| | P7R.4 | Deriving microphysical parameters of snow with a vertically pointing Doppler radar Emmanuel Moreau, NOVIMET, Velizy, France; and J. Testud and I. Zawadzki |
| | | P7R.5 moved to 7R.2
| | P7R.6 | Correction algorithm of the Vertical Reflectivity Profile (VRP) for the German Met. Service Andreas Wagner, German Met. Service, Hohenpeissenberg, Germany; and J. E. E. Seltmann |
| | P7R.7 | Observations of the lower atmosphere over the equatorial Western-Pacific with a ship-borne lower troposphere radar Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Kyoto Univ., Uji, Kyoto, Japan; and M. Teshiba and S. Fukao |
| | P7R.8 | Evaluation of 3-beam and 4-beam profiler wind measurement techniques Ahoro Adachi, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; and T. Kobayashi, K. S. Gage, D. A. Carter, L. M. Hartten, W. L. Clark, and M. Fukuda |
| | P7R.9 | Development of a UHF boundary layer multiple antenna profiler at LaMP/OPGC Joel Van Baelen, LaMP/OPGC, Aubiere, France |
| | P7R.10 | Vertical profile of raindrop size distribution by using 400MHz wind profiler in stratiform rainfall Yasushi Kitamura, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Okinawa, Japan; and K. Nakagawa, S. Sekizawa, H. Hanado, N. Takahashi, and T. Iguchi |
|  | P7R.11 | Doppler Velocity Signatures of Large-Scale Hybrid Winds Wenmei Xia, Jiangsu Institute of Meteorological Science, Nanjing, China; and H. Zhiqun, T. Dazhang, L. Mingzhu, and L. Yuanjian |
| | P7R.12 | Validation of Bird Movement Signatures in Weather Radar Wind Profiles using a Dedicated Bird Radar Iwan Holleman, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; and H. Van Gasteren and W. Bouten |
| | P7R.13 | A New Data System for Radar Wind Profilers Scott A. McLaughlin, Applied Technologies, Inc., Longmont, CO; and D. A. Merritt and B. Weber |
| | P7R.14 | A neural network based method to adjust weather radar estimates of rainfall to rain gauge measurements using the vertical reflectivity profile Reinhard Teschl, Graz Univ. of Technology, Graz, Austria; and W. L. Randeu and F. Teschl |
| | | P7R.15 moved to 7R.5A
| | P7R.16 | The frequency of occurrence of quasi-monochromatic inertia-gravity waves in the lower stratosphere from MST radar observations G. D. Nastrom, St. Cloud State Univ., St. Cloud, MN; and F. D. Eaton |