Wednesday, 26 January 2011
An overview of recent developments in NRL's atmospheric global modeling and research section will be presented. Topics briefly presented will include an update on the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS) and NOGAPS development topics such as a) the impact of 4DVAR and increased vertical resolution, b) impact of increased horizontal resolution and implementation of a vertical hybrid coordinate, c) the implementation of semi-Lagragian advection, d) the impact of an advanced radiative transfer model and plans for prognostic clouds, e) continued development of the NOGAPS Emanuel scheme with respect to precipitation processes and moisture sensitivity and f) improvement of the forecast skill of the middle atmosphere, particularly with respect to sudden stratospheric warming. Research on the Unified Model will also be reported on. Topics covered on ensemble design will include results comparing improved implementations of the ensemble transform, the impact of stochastic forcing, and the impact of inclusion of a simple diurnal cycle SST model. Results from observation impact studies from T-PARC/TCS-08 will also be shown briefly.