Ensemble forecasting method has proved to be a successful way for handling those errors in the model. However, a higher resolution deterministic LAM, on the other side, is still a necessary for the weather forecast.
Then it is very naturally to raise the questions:
-- What is the more added value of LAMEPS to its counterpart global EPS? -- Is a LAMEPS adding value to its existing higher resolution deterministic Limited Area Model (LAM) forecast?
ALADIN-LAEF (Limited Area Ensemble Forecasting) is developed at ZAMG (ZentralAnstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik) within the international co-operation ALADIN/LACE. It is constructed by 17 members, 18km resolution.
In this talk, those two questions will be answered by: a) comparing the performance of ALADIN-LAEF and ECMWF global EPS, one of the most advanced operational global EPS; b) verifying ALADIN-LAEF with a higher resolution deterministic model, ALADIN-AUSTRIA, which is run with 9km resolution operationally at ZAMG.