Many previous studies analyze changes in subtropical SLP maxima to quantify regional changes in the midlatitude jet and in the width of the tropics. We analyze both the SLP and the divergent overturning circulation together to produce a more detailed depiction of tropical and subtropical circulation variability and change. We show that the SLP changes highlight the circulation response in the middle and high latitudes, where geostrophy is stronger, while the overturning circulation highlights changes in the tropics, where divergence is stronger. Furthermore, SLP emphasizes the circulation over the ocean, while the divergent circulation emphasizes circulation change over land as well. The divergent circulation also isolates circulation patterns that contribute to the zonal mean Hadley circulation, ignoring regional rotational (i.e. geostrophic) circulations. During solstitial seasons, for example, the winter Hadley cell, its variability, and its changes, are all dominated by contributions from the African and Asian monsoon sectors. During equinoctial seasons, contributions from other longitudes (i.e. the Eastern Pacific, the Americas and the Atlantic) generally play a larger role.