Thursday, 11 May 2000: 9:00 AM
Rainfall patterns and trends over Africa are analysed using principal
component analysis and the leading modes are identified and related to
environmental variables over the adjacent tropical oceans and their
monsoon circulations. Simultaneous and six month lead multi-variate
models are formulated and the influential variables are studied. For the
zero lag models the tropical Indian Ocean is important. At six month
lead the tropical Atlantic comes into play. Between 15 and 35% of the
variance can be explained, mainly by atmospheric variables which
interact with changes in sea surface temperature (eg. wind, pressure).
Interrelationships between the most influential environmental variables
are analysed. It is found that anti-phase sea surface temperatures
either side of Africa are closely related to upper zonal winds and ENSO
phase. A conceptual model is presented which contributes to climate
prediction efforts across Africa.