In April 2004, a method called "Hybrid Ensembling" was proposed and tested with the NCEP Short Range Ensemble Forecasting (SREF) system (Du 2004, available at This method essentially applies the spread or uncertainty information from the coarse ensemble system to the forecast with the most "detail" and least overall error. The 2004 paper evaluates mainly the overall improvement in forecast performance measured by various scores, while this one will focus on the improvement in detailed spatial structures.
A potential problem of this method is that coarse ensemble and hi-res run might drift apart from each other too far. Our preliminary experiments show that it's not likely to be a problem for short-range (0-3 days) although it could be a problem for medium- or long-range (say after a week, but need to be investigated). To prevent this dilemma, an interesting question could be researched is that what's the best ratio of horizontal resolutions between hi-res single model and coarse ensemble?