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The new tropical western Pacific MOS system is based on the model output of the Global Forecast System (GFS). The wind forecast guidance was developed for 15 stations and is scheduled for implementation during early 2005. The guidance for two stations in the Western Hemisphere will be added to the existing Hawaii MOS guidance and will be operational in April 2005, and that for 13 stations in the Eastern Hemisphere will be operational as a stand-alone MOS package in June 2005.
Archives of GFS model output and hourly data for April 2000 through September 2004 were used in the development of this guidance. The data were stratified into dry (October through May) and monsoon (June through September) seasons prior to equation development. Investigation of the MOS wind forecast equations showed that predictors in a shallow layer near the Earth's surface predominated for the dry season whereas predictors in the lower and mid-troposphere (from the surface to 500 mb) were important for the monsoon season. In a test on independent data, the MOS wind forecasts were compared with the GFS model output wind direction and speed. The mean absolute errors of the MOS wind speed forecasts were about half that of the GFS model. The MOS guidance also predicted wind directions better than the GFS model, especially for strong winds (speed = 10 kts). This presentation focuses on the improvement of the MOS wind guidance over the GFS forecasts, and development of additional weather guidance for the western Pacific Ocean.