|  | P3.12 | Assimilation of GOES Land Surface Data within a Rapid Update Cycle Format: Impact on MM5 Warm Season QPF William M. Lapenta, NASA/MSFC, Huntsville, AL; and R. J. Suggs, G. Jedlovec, R. T. McNider, and S. R. Dembek |
| | P3.13 | Utilizing variational methods to incorporate a variety of satellite data in the LAPS moisture analysis Daniel L. Birkenheuer, NOAA/FSL, Boulder, CO |
| | P3.14 | one dimensional variational assimilation experiments combining GOES sounder and imager radiance data Dongsoo Kim, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado and NOAA/FSL, Boulder, CO; and D. Devenyi |
| | P3.15 | The Assimilation of Satellite Observations with the NRL Atmospheric Variational Data Assimilation System (NAVDAS) Nancy L. Baker, NRL, Monterey, CA; and R. Daley, S. D. Swadley, J. Clark, E. H. Barker, J. S. Goerss, and K. Sashegyi |
| | P3.16 | Improvements to U.S. Air Force Cloud Forecast Model, Advect Cloud Steven J. Storch, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt, NE; and D. G. McDonald |
| | P3.17 | Analysis of Subtropical Cyclones using NASA Quikscat data Paul J. McCrone, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt AFB, NE |
| | P3.18 | Status of the UW-CIMSS Objective Dvorak Technique (ODT) Timothy L. Olander, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and C. S. Velden |
| | P3.19 | Preliminary objective analyses using the NESDIS/CIRA tropical cyclone infrared imagery PART I: HURRICANE HARMONICS James P. Kossin, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO |
| | P3.20 | Tropical cyclone surface wind analysis using satellite sensors Raymond M. Zehr, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, Fort Collins, CO |
| | P3.21 | Validation of an Advanced Microwave Sounder Unit (AMSU) tropical cyclone intensity and size estimation algorithm Mark DeMaria, NOAA/NESDIS, Fort Collins, CO; and J. L. Demuth and J. A. Knaff |
| | P3.22 | TRMM TMI views of tropical cyclones for tactical reconnaissance Thomas F. Lee, NRL, Monterey, CA; and F. J. Turk, J. D. Hawkins, and R. T. Edson |
| | P3.23 | Mapping tropical cyclone characteristics via passive microwave remote sensing Jeffrey D. Hawkins, NRL, Monterey, CA; and T. F. Lee, J. F. Turk, K. L. Richardson, C. C. Sampson, and J. Kent |
| | P3.24 | The realtime value of combined upper tropospheric inertial stability measurements and satellite-derived winds on tropical cyclone and convection forecasting John R. Mecikalski, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and C. S. Velden |
| | P3.25 | Satellite applications for tropical wave/tropical cyclone tracking Jason P. Dunion, NOAA/AOML/HRD, Miami, FL; and C. S. Velden |
| | P3.26 | Validation of GMS brightness temperature difference technique for estimate of cumulonimbus in typhoon by TRMM PR data Kotaro Bessho, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; and Y. Tanaka and T. Nakazawa |
| | P3.27 | An assessment of global models ability to accurately forecast downstream extra-tropical cyclone development in the southern hemisphere winter Matthew A. Lazzara, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. G. McLay and S. G. Decker |
| | P3.28 | Antarctic meteorology: Satellites and weather forecasting Matthew A. Lazzara, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and L. M. Keller, C. R. Stearns, J. E. Thom, and G. A. Weidner |
| | P3.29 | Cloud-drift and Water Vapor Winds in the Polar Regions from MODIS Jeffrey R. Key, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, Madison, WI; and D. Santek, C. S. Velden, and W. P. Menzel |
| | P3.30 | Virtual Laboratory for Training in Satellite Meteorology James F. W. Purdom, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, CO; and A. Mostek |
| | P3.31 | Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training - Bringing Training to the Forecasters Using VISITview Anthony Mostek, NOAA/NWS, Boulder, CO; and S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, D. Bikos, B. Motta, B. Zajac, J. Weaver, K. Schrab, B. Grant, and J. LaDue |
| | P3.32 | Recent Training from the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training Brian Motta, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and D. Bikos, B. Zajac, S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, B. Grant, J. LaDue, S. Jascourt, W. Bua, K. Schrab, M. Schichtel, S. Flood, D. Baumgardt, R. Grumm, P. Wolf, J. Weaver, and R. Zehr |