Joint Poster Session 3J |
| Field Work Aimed at Understanding the Organization of Convection (Joint with 32Radar and 11Mesoscale) |
| | JP3J.1 | Fine-Scale Observations of a Pre–Convective Convergence Line in the Central Great Plains on 19 June 2002 Benjamin Daniel Sipprell, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; and B. Geerts |
| | JP3J.2 | Synergizing high–resolution EOS Terra satellite data and S–POLKA radar reflectivity to assess trade wind cumuli precipitation Eric R. Snodgrass, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and R. M. Rauber, L. Di Girolamo, and G. Zhao |
| | JP3J.3 | Oceanic shallow cumuli observations from ship–borne X- and W-Band radars during RICO Ieng Jo, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and V. P. Ghate, E. Serpetzoglou, B. A. Albrecht, and P. Kollias |
| | JP3J.4 | Mesoscale Convective Systems occurred in Northwestern Mexico during NAME Arturo Valdes-Manzanilla, Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico; and M. Cortez-Vazquez |
| | JP3J.5 | Radar observations during NAME 2004. Part I: Data products and quality control Timothy J. Lang, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and R. Cifelli, S. W. Nesbitt, G. Pereira, S. A. Rutledge, D. A. Ahijevych, and R. E. Carbone |
| | JP3J.6 | Radar observations during NAME 2004. Part II: Preliminary results Timothy J. Lang, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and R. Cifelli, D. Lerach, L. Nelson, S. W. Nesbitt, G. Pereira, S. A. Rutledge, D. A. Ahijevych, and R. E. Carbone |
| | JP3J.7 | The Moisture Route of Palo Duro Canyon Kevin R. Walter, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX; and C. C. Weiss and A. Swift |
| | JP3J.8 | Melting-layer cloud observed during MR01-K05 cruise of Res/V Mirai Kazuaki Yasunaga, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan; and K. Yoneyama, H. Kubota, H. Okamoto, A. Shimizu, H. Kumagai, M. Katsumata, N. Sugimoto, and I. Matsui |
| | JP3J.9 | Convective evolution in along–line shear Matthew D. Parker, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC |
| | JP3J.10 | Trade Wind Cumuli Statistics and the Impact of finite Resolution Measurements Guangyu Zhao, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and L. Di Girolamo |
| | JP3J.11 | Observed Mesoscale Variations in Thermodynamic Properties and Surface Fluxes over Ice-Covered Lake Erie Mathieu R. Gerbush, Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, IL; and D. A. R. Kristovich and N. F. Laird |
| | JP3J.12 | Ancillary observations for a first echo study: five million antenna camera digital images Robert A. Rilling, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. VanAndel |
| | JP3J.13 | Diurnal variation of three-dimensional radar echoes and their possible role of preconditioning the atmospheric humidity Tomoki Ushiyama, Institute of Observational Research for Global Change/Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan; and R. Shirooka, H. Kubota, T. Chuda, K. Yoneyama, M. Katsumata, H. Yamada, M. Fujita, N. Sato, K. K. Reddy, K. Takeuchi, and H. Uyeda |
| | JP3J.14 | High-resolution surface and tower observations of the southern Plains dryline during Project SONDE—2005 Christopher C. Weiss, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX |
| | JP3J.15 | Transition of the rainfall characteristics related to the moistening of land surface over the central Tibetan Plateau during GAME-Tibet IOP Hiroyuki Yamada, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan; and H. Uyeda |
| | JP3J.16 | Dryline convergence and the initiation of deep moist convection Michael P. Griesinger, Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock, TX; and C. C. Weiss |
| | JP3J.17 | CONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION CLIMATOLOGY FOR AFRICA Arlene Laing, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. Carbone and V. Levizzani |
|  | JP3J.18 | An investigation of the height distribution of tropical convection over northern Australia Andrew P. Ballinger, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK |
|  | JP3J.19 | Mesoscale divergence profiles from VAD analysis of multiple Doppler radar deployments in the tropics Brian Mapes, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and J. L. Lin and P. Zuidema |
| | JP3J.20 | Characteristics of the Precipitating Systems during the 2002 Dry-to-Wet RACCI Field Campaign in the Amazon Region Carlos Morales, Univ. of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and L. A. Toledo Machado and M. A. Faus Silva Dias |
|  | JP3J.21 | Cloud and precipitation radar observations of eastern tropical Pacific ITCZ cloud vertical structure Paquita Zuidema, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and B. Mapes, J. L. Lin, and C. Fairall |
| | JP3J.22 | Mass fluxes in East Pacific warm pool Carlos López Carrillo, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM; and D. Raymond |
| | JP3J.23 | Three-dimensional lightning mapping observations as a complement to radar observations of storms William Rison, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM; and P. Krehbiel, R. J. Thomas, and T. Hamlin |
| | JP3J.24 | The development and structure of an oceanic squall line system during the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Jian-Jian Wang, NASA/GSFC and GEST/Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, Greenbelt, MD; and L. D. Carey |
| | JP3J.25 | Relation of Tropical Thunderstorm Cirrus Anvil Properties to Convective Core Intensities and Lifecycles Chris J. Theisen, Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; and P. A. Kucera and M. R. Poellot |
| | JP3J.26 | Characterization of Storm Properties During the TroCCiBras Experiment Ana M. Gomes, Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil; and G. Held |
| | JP3J.27 | Dynamics of Mesoscale Convective Systems Observed with a UHF Wind Profiler and a Polarimetric S-band Weather Radar Michihiro Teshiba, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. D. Palmer, P. B. Chilson, A. Ryzhkov, and T. J. Schuur |