33rd Conference on Radar Meteorology

Poster Session P5


Nowcasting I

 P5.1A new multi-scale meso-vortex/divergence detection algorithm with modified Rankine combined vortex  
Osamu Suzuki, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; and H. Yamauchi, M. Nakazato, and K. Akaeda
 P5.2Doppler radar for adverse weather surveillance and warnings in Botswana  
Sacrasta Nchengwa, Department of Meteorological Services, Gaborone, Botswana; and D. Thebeetsile, J. Selato, D. B. Michelson, and D. Terblanche
 P5.3Three Body Scatter Signature producing uncertainties on Doppler radial velocity structures  extended abstract
Aurora Stan-Sion, National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania; and B. Antonescu and D. V. Carbunaru
 P5.4An automated thunderstorm alert service for airport operations  extended abstract
Rodney J. Potts, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and J. Bally and T. Williams
 P5.5Initialization of midlatitude convective storms by assimilation of single Doppler radar observations  extended abstract
Kao-Shen Chung, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; and I. Zawadzki, M. K. Yau, and L. Fillion
 P5.6An XML format for nowcast data  extended abstract
Elizabeth Ebert, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and S. Dance, D. Scurrah, R. J. Potts, and E. Dozortseva
 P5.7Spring 2007 national weather radar testbed demonstration  extended abstract
Pamela L. Heinselman, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and D. L. Priegnitz and D. L. Andra
 P5.8Applications of radar and lightning information for severe weather forecast and protection in the south of Brazil  
Cesar A. Beneti, SIMEPAR / Parana Meteorological System, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil; and M. Jusevicius, L. Calvetti, and R. B. Gin
 P5.9Using radar data quality in computing composites and nowcasting products  extended abstract
Markus Peura, FMI, Helsinki, Finland; and J. Koistinen
 P5.10Impact of RNDSUP Doppler radars on forecast operations in Adelaide and Brisbane  extended abstract
J. A. Dickins, BMRC, Kent Town, SA, Australia; and A. M. Wedd
 P5.11Tackling the challenge of nowcasting elevated convection  extended abstract
Huaqing Cai, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. Roberts, D. Megenhardt, E. Nelson, and M. Steiner
 P5.12Improved precipitation forecast by correcting phase and intensity errors of a meso-scale numerical model  extended abstract
GyuWon Lee, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. Xu and J. W. Wilson
 P5.13Tracking and nowcasting of convective cells using remote sensing data from radar and satellite  extended abstract
Kirstin Kober, DLR Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Wessling, Germany; and A. Tafferner and M. Pfeifer
 P5.14Orographic forcing and Doppler winds, the key for nowcasting heavy precipitation in the Alps  
Luca Panziera, MeteoSwiss, Locarno-Monti, Switzerland; and U. Germann and K. Friedrich
 P5.15Microburst events observed with the National Weather Radar Testbed phased array radar  
Travis M. Smith, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and P. L. Heinselman and D. Priegnitz
 P5.16Documentation of convective activity in the north-eastern Italian region of Veneto  extended abstract
Andrea Rossa, Meteorological Centre of Teolo, Teolo, Italy; and A. D. Fontana, M. Calza, J. W. Conway, R. Millini, and G. Formentini
 P5.17A novel approach of tornado detection using a machine intelligence system based on shear and spectral signatures  extended abstract
Yadong Wang, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and T. Y. Yu, M. Yeary, A. Shapiro, S. Nemati, M. P. Foster, D. L. Andra, and M. Jain
 P5.18Storm Characterization and Short Term Forecasting Potential Using a Phase Array Radar  extended abstract
James Pinto, NCAR / RAL, Boulder, CO; and C. J. Kessinger, B. Hendrickson, D. Megenhardt, P. Harasti, Q. Xu, P. Zhang, Q. Zhao, M. Frost, J. Cook, and S. Potts
 P5.19The four large hail assessment techniques in severe thunderstorm warning operations in Australia  extended abstract
Harald Richter, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and R. B. Deslandes

Monday, 6 August 2007: 1:30 PM-3:30 PM, Halls C & D

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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