Poster Session 6 New and Emerging Radar Technology: Posters 1.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Zurich (Swissotel Chicago)
Host: 38th Conference on Radar Meteorology

First poster session on advances in radar hardware, advances in signal/array processing, innovative applications of radar, integrating new technologies in field campaigns, polarimetric phased array radar, solid-state and pulse compression radar, heterogeneous adaptive radar networks, innovation in education and training.

An X-band Phased Array Weather Radar Testbed
William Heberling, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; and J. Waldinger and S. Frasier

Handout (742.4 kB)

The Next Generation of Airborne Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar: NCAR/EOL Airborne Phased Array Radar (APAR) Development
James A. Moore, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and W. C. Lee, E. Loew, J. Vivekanandan, V. Grubišić, P. S. Tsai, M. Dixon, J. M. Emmett, M. Lord, L. L. Lussier III, K. Hwang, and J. Ranson

Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave Profiling Radar for Precipitation and Observations in Different Regions of China During 2013-2016
Zheng RUAN, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(CAMS), Beijing, China; and F. LI and Y. RUAN
Manuscript (915.7 kB)

Handout (3.8 MB)

Updates on the OU All-Digital Dual-Polarization Phased Array (Horus)
Caleb Fulton, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. D. Palmer, J. Salazar, and H. Sigmarsson

Signal Processing for Performance Improvement of Phased Array Weather Radar
Hiroshi Kikuchi, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Hino, Tokyo, Japan; and T. Ushio, F. Mizutani, and M. Wada

Observation of Tornadic Storms in Tokyo Urban Area By X-band Phased Array Weather Radar
Taro Kashiwayanagi, Japan Radio Co.,Ltd. / Chiba Univ., Saitama, Japan; and K. Morotomi, F. Kobayashi, T. Takamura, T. Takano, and A. Higuchi

An Approach to Align Subarray Channels in PPAR Using Weather Returns
Igor R. Ivic, NSSL/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

Handout (2.3 MB)

Pulse Compression Weather Radar with Improved Sensitivity, Range Resolution, and Range Sidelobe
Koichiro Gomi, TOSHIBA Corporation, Kawasaki, Japan; and K. Hashimoto, T. aoki, K. yamaguchi, T. Murano, A. Yamada, N. Anraku, M. Wada, and A. Adachi
Manuscript (798.0 kB)

Handout (902.9 kB)

The Development of the Ground-Based W-band Electronical Scanning Cloud Profiling Radar for Calibration and Validation of EarthCARE/CPR
Hiroaki Horie, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Koganei, Japan; and H. Hanado and Y. Ohno

Technical Aspects and Scientific Applications of New VHF Wind Profiler Radar at 205 MHz
Kesavapillai Mohanakumar, Cochin Univ. of Science and Technology, Cochin, India

A Study on the Behaviour of Ionosphere with 205MHz ST Wind Profiler Radar at Cochin Coastal Region
Rakesh Varadarajan, Advanced Centre for Atmospheric Radar Research, CUSAT, Kochi, India

Handout (1.5 MB)

The NCAR Phased Array Radar Line Replacement Unit (LRU): Integration, Characterization and Performance
Pei-Sang Tsai, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and E. Loew, B. Hwang, J. Salazar, and R. M. Lebron

A High-SNR Doppler Beam Swing Method for VHF Atmospheric Radar
Koji Nishimura, National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Japan; and T. Hashimoto, M. Tsutsumi, K. Sato, and T. Sato

The NCAR Modular Profiler Development, Recent Progress and Deployment to PECAN
William O. J. Brown, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Sobtzak, T. Hock, and C. Martin

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner