Monday, 23 January 2017
4E (Washington State Convention Center )
This investigative study evaluates meteorological phenomena that played roles in the heavy snowfall during six selected events - four mainly central united States and two southeast, middle Atlantic, northeast/New England. The variables, physical and/or dynamical processes emphaszed for their respective roles include 700hpa vertical motions or omega greater than or equal to -0.60 pa/s, cyclogenesis and cyclone tracks, jet streak-induced ageostrophic circulation(s). Others are 850hpa temperature gradients, 850hpa warm air advection (WAA), latent heat release (LHR), 850hpa cold air advection (CAA), 850hpa frontogenesis, 850hpa low level jet (LLJ), 700hpa relative humidity (RH) greater than or equal to 80%, 850hpa meridional wind, 850hpa zonal wind, 700hpa v-component of storm motion, 700hpa heights and zonal winds, 300hpa heights and zonal winds.
This research compares and analyses 700hpa omega, pressure at mean sea level, 850hpa temperature along with other variables used as indicators of event physical and dynamical processes. The focus is on how the variables, physical and/or dynamical processes individually contributed or interacted to produce the heavy snowfall that occurred during these events. In addition, this study compares the role of latent and sensible heat fluxes over ocean and land in cyclone development.