11th Conference on Cloud Physics

Poster Session 1

 Cloud Physics Poster Session I (Parallel with Joint Poster Session JP1)
 P1.1Looking for evidences of drizzle-induced decoupling in the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer  extended abstract
Gérson Paiva Almeida, Universidade Estadual do Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil; and A. A. Costa and J. C. P. de Oliveira
 P1.2Microphysical and optical properties of a wave-cirrus cloud sampled during the INCA experiment  extended abstract
Jean-François Gayet, Université Blaise Pascal, Aubière, France; and F. Auriol, F. Immler, O. Schrems, A. Minikin, A. Petzold, J. Ovarlez, and J. Strom
 P1.3An Analysis of Ice Crystal Number Concentration Versus Aerosol Number Concentration and Supersaturation During FIRE.ACE  extended abstract
Ismail Gultepe, MSC, Toronto, ON, Canada; and G. A. Isaac and S. G. Cober
 P1.4Laboratory Growth, Sublimation and Regrowth of Ice Crystals  extended abstract
Matthew P. Bailey, DRI, Reno, NV; and J. Hallett, A. Korolev, and G. Isaac
 P1.5Quantifying droplet clustering in clouds  extended abstract
Michael L. Larsen, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI; and A. B. Kostinski and R. A. Shaw
 P1.6The Hot Plate Snowgauge  extended abstract
Roy M. Rasmussen, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Hallett, R. Purcell, J. Cole, and M. Tryhane
 P1.7Poster moved to Session P2. New Poster Number P2.18  
 P1.8Statistical properties of small-scale structure of temperature and LWC fields in marine stratocumulus observed in DYCOMS II field campaign.  
Szymon P. Malinowski, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland; and H. Gerber, K. E. Haman, and B. Strus
 P1.9Identifying and characterizing drizzle distributions within marine stratocumulus using W-band radar reflectivity  extended abstract
Jingyun Wang, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; and B. Geerts
 P1.10About the use of wind field retrievals from Doppler radar for dynamical analyses of stratiform snowfall  extended abstract
Marc Wüest, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland; and B. Baschek, R. Schefold, and E. Barthazy
 P1.11An Intercomparison of MMCR and NCEP Global Model Clouds at the ARM SGP Site  extended abstract
Steven Lazarus, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL; and S. K. Krueger
 P1.12Capacitance of bullet rosette ice crystals  extended abstract
Mihai Chiruta, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and P. K. Wang
 P1.13A Correlation of Snow Crystal Phenomenology to Radar Patterns and Lightning Activity in Winter Storms  
Peter Benjamin Roohr, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and T. H. Vonder Haar
 P1.14Aerosol-Cloud-Chemistry Interactions in a Large Eddy Simulation  extended abstract
Graham Feingold, NOAA/ETL, Boulder, CO; and S. M. Kreidenweis
 P1.15Evaluation of a Radar Hydrometeor Classifier by Comparison with in situ Aircraft Data  extended abstract
Paul L. Smith, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Rapid City, SD; and D. V. Kliche
 P1.16Ice crystal formation in wave clouds, airborne studies -10 to -35C  extended abstract
David C. Rogers, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. J. DeMott
 P1.17Comparison of model and cloud radar derived cloud overlap  extended abstract
Ulrika Willén, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden; and C. Jones, H. K. Baltnik, and M. Quante
 P1.18Influence of Embedded Convection on Microphysics of Precipitation (Formerly Paper 8.3)  extended abstract
Björn R. Baschek, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland; and R. Schefold, M. Wüest, and E. Barthazy

Monday, 3 June 2002: 1:00 PM-4:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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