Wednesday, 26 January 2011: 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
Stephen M. Holt, Noblis, Inc., Oceanic, Atmospheric and Space Systems, Falls Church, VA;
Marjorie McGuirk, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Scientific Services Division, Asheville, NC and
Anthony Arguez, NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI, Asheville, NC
WSR-88D: Still the best and getting better
Richard J. Vogt, NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK; and T. Crum, J. Chrisman, J. R. Reed, M. J. Istok, B. Saffle, D. Melendez, K. Kelleher, and D. E. Forsyth
New science for the WSR-88D: validating the dual polarization upgrade
Darcy S. Saxion, Air Force Weather Agency, Norman, OK; and R. L. Ice, P. T. Schlatter, O. E. Boydstun, A. K. Heck, J. N. Chrisman, S. D. Smith, W. D. Zittel, R. W. Hall, J. C. Krause, A. D. Free, M. J. Prather, M. V. Briggs, and R. D. Rhoton
Sensitivity of operational weather radars
Richard L. Ice, Air Force Weather Agency, Norman, OK; and D. S. Saxion, O. E. Boydstun, W. D. Zittel, R. W. Hall, G. S. Cate, A. D. Free, R. D. Rhoton, R. W. Macemon, and B. Walker

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

- Indicates an Award Winner