Author Index - The 15th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction and the 14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere (20-24 August 2007) (Portland, OR)

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Achatz, U.14MIDDLE6.2, P6.13, P8.2
Ahmad, S. P.14MIDDLEP1.2
Akmaev, R. A.14MIDDLEP8.4
Albers, J. R.14MIDDLEP2.6
Albrecht, B.15ISA7.2
Alexander, M.15ISA6.4, 6.5
Alexander, M. J.14MIDDLE6.3, 6.11, P6.5
Alfred, J. M.14MIDDLEP7.15
Anderson, D. M.15ISA5.3
Andreas, E. L.15ISA13.4
Anguelova, M. D.15ISA7.3
Anstey, J. A.14MIDDLE4.5
Arnold, N.14MIDDLEP6.3
Austin, J.14MIDDLE5.3, P3.2, P8.7
Avallone, L. M.14MIDDLE1.8
Ayina, L. H.15ISA9.1
Bacmeister, J. T.14MIDDLE6.9, P6.5, P6.6
Bailey, S. M.14MIDDLE3.7
Baker, B.14MIDDLE1.6
Baldwin, M. P.14MIDDLE8.3
Bao, J.-W.15ISA10.1
Bariteau, L.15ISA12.2
Barnet, C. D.14MIDDLEP1.7
Barnett, J.14MIDDLE6.3, 1.7, P3.6
Barrot, G.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Baumgardner, D.14MIDDLEP3.9, P1.3
Bayes, K.14MIDDLEP7.6
Beare, R. S.15ISA10.2
Belcher, S. E.15ISA11.2, 10.2
Bell, W.14MIDDLEP4.3
Bentamy, A., Sr.15ISA9.1
Bernath, P.14MIDDLE3.7, P4.4, P4.5
Bernath, P. F.14MIDDLEP7.5, P7.18, 2.4
Bertaux, J. -. L.14MIDDLE3.2
Bertaux, J.-L.14MIDDLEP7.2
Bettwy, M. J.15ISAP1.11A
Bevilacqua, R.14MIDDLEP7.15, P2.2
Bian, J.14MIDDLE2.10
Birch, C. E.15ISAP1.6
Birner, T.14MIDDLEP3.1, 2.11
Black, R. X.14MIDDLEJP1.2
Blade, I.15ISA6.5
Blankenship, C. B.14MIDDLEP4.3
Blavier, J. F.14MIDDLEP7.7
Bloom, A. A.15ISAP1.3, 12.3
Boccara, G.14MIDDLEP6.2
Boer, G. J.14MIDDLE4.1
Boone, C. D.14MIDDLEP7.5, P7.18, 2.4, P4.4
Booth, J.15ISA10.5
Bourassa, A. E.14MIDDLE2.3
Bourassa, M. A.15ISA8.1, 8.4, 10.4
Bourras, D.15ISAP1.14
Boutle, I.15ISA10.2
Boybeyi, Z.14MIDDLEP6.10
Braesicke, P.14MIDDLE7.4
Brooks, B. J.15ISAP1.2, 12.3, 12.4
Brooks, I. M.15ISAP1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.6, 12.3, 12.4
Broutman, D.14MIDDLEP6.5, P6.10, 5.10
Brönnimann, S.14MIDDLE3.10
Buhler, O.14MIDDLE6.10
Bui, P.14MIDDLE1.6
Bunz, H.14MIDDLEP3.9
Burrows, J. P.15ISA7.5
Bushell, A.14MIDDLEP5.4
Butchart, N.14MIDDLEP5.4
Büker, M. L.14MIDDLEP1.4
Cahyono, W. E., Jr.14MIDDLEP4.6
Calvo, N.14MIDDLE4.4
Cansdale, A. G.15ISAP1.1
Canty, T.14MIDDLEP7.3, P7.6, P7.8, P7.16, 8.5, 8.11
Capps, S.15ISAP1.13
Catoire, V.14MIDDLE8.10
Chabangborn, A.14MIDDLEP3.8
Chang, P.15ISA5.1, 6.1, 6.4
Charlton, A. J.14MIDDLE5.5, P8.7
Chatfield, R. B.14MIDDLEP1.3
Chelton, D.15ISA7.1, 8.2
Chelton, D. B.15ISA4.2, 3.2, 1.1
Chen, S. S.15ISA13.3, 10.1
Chiang, J. C. H.15ISA5.1
Chiodi, A. M.15ISAP1.16, 6.2
Chipperfield, M. P.14MIDDLEP7.5
Choi, H.14MIDDLEP5.5
Choi, W.14MIDDLEP5.5
Choi, Y.14MIDDLE5.8
Christensen, L. E.14MIDDLEP3.9
Christensen, T.14MIDDLE1.5
Ciasto, L. M.15ISA1.4
Coles, D.15ISA12.3
Coles, D. G. H.15ISAP1.1
Comben, D. H.15ISAP1.1
Connor, B. J.14MIDDLEP2.2
Cooper, O. R.14MIDDLEP1.3
Cooper, W. A.14MIDDLE6.6
Cordero, E.14MIDDLE3.11
Coy, L.14MIDDLEP6.5, P4.2, P8.6
Craig, C.14MIDDLE1.7
Crawford, J. H.15ISA7.5
Crowthers, B. M.15ISAP1.11
Cunningham, P.15ISA8.4
Cunnod, D.14MIDDLE5.8
Cunnold, D.14MIDDLEP7.13
Curtis, J. C.15ISAP1.11
D'Ippolito, C. K.15ISA5.3
Daffer, W.14MIDDLEP4.4
Dalaudier, F.14MIDDLEP7.2, P6.4, 3.2
Dameris, M.14MIDDLE8.3
Danielson, R. E.15ISA8.3
Davis, S. M.14MIDDLE1.8
De Leeuw, G.15ISAP1.2, 12.3
Deser, C.15ISA5.2
Desflots, M.15ISA13.3, 10.1
Dessler, A. E.14MIDDLE1.11
De Szoeke, S. P.15ISA2.4
Dierking, C. F.15ISAP1.8, P1.11
Dima, I.14MIDDLEJ1.2
Douglass, A. R.14MIDDLEP5.7, P7.10, P7.11, P7.12, JP1.6, 8.2, 8.9, 5.7
Dowd, M.15ISA8.3
Doyle, J.15ISA4.2
Doyle, J. D.14MIDDLE6.6, P6.5
Drdla, K.14MIDDLEP7.9
Drennan, W.15ISA9.1
Drouin, B.14MIDDLE8.11
Dubey, M. K.14MIDDLEP1.3
Ducrocq, V.15ISA4.3
Dunkerton, T. J.14MIDDLE1.11
DuVivier, A. K.15ISA5.3
Eckermann, S.14MIDDLE6.4, P6.5, P6.10, 5.10, P4.2
Eckermann, S. D.14MIDDLE6.3, 6.5, P8.6
Eden, T.14MIDDLEP3.6
Edson, J. B.15ISA4.1
Eldering, A.14MIDDLEP3.5
Engel, A.14MIDDLE8.10
Ern, M.14MIDDLE6.4
Esbensen, S.15ISA1.1, 8.2
Esler, G.14MIDDLE5.5, 2.6
Evans, W. F. J.14MIDDLE2.3
Fairall, C. W.15ISA13.3, 7.2, 12.2, 10.1
Fan, Y.15ISA11.1
Fang, Y.15ISA5.1
Fanton d’Andon, O.14MIDDLE3.2
Fehr, T.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Feldman, D. R.14MIDDLEP3.4
Fetzer, E.14MIDDLEP3.15
Filipiak, M. J.14MIDDLE5.7
Fioletov, V.14MIDDLE8.8
Fischer, A.14MIDDLE3.10
Fisher, C. M.15ISAP1.10
Fishman, J.15ISA7.5
Fitzgerald, D. B.15ISAP1.11
Fleming, E. L.14MIDDLE3.9, P2.3
Folkins, I. A.14MIDDLE1.11
Follette, M. B.14MIDDLE2.9
Forbes, G.14MIDDLEP1.3
Foster, M. J.15ISAP1.8
Foster, R. C.15ISAP1.12, 10.3
Frieler, K.14MIDDLE8.5
Fritts, D. C.14MIDDLE6.1
Froidevaux, L.14MIDDLEP7.4, P7.5, P7.7, 5.7, P1.5
Fromm, M.14MIDDLEP7.15
Fu, Q.14MIDDLE1.11, P3.2, P3.3
Fueglistaler, S.14MIDDLE1.11
Fujiwara, M.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7, P3.13, P3.17
Fuller-Rowell, T. J.14MIDDLEP8.4
Funke, B.14MIDDLE3.6
Fussen, D.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Gabriel, A.14MIDDLE3.5, P2.1
Gaiser, P. W.15ISA7.3
Ganzveld, L.15ISA12.2
Garcia, R.14MIDDLE6.8
Garcia, R. R.14MIDDLE7.1, P2.3
Garcia-Herrera, R.14MIDDLE4.4
Garfinkel, C. I.14MIDDLE4.3
Gelman, M.14MIDDLEJP1.5, P8.5
Gensch, I.14MIDDLEP3.9
Gerasimov, I. G.14MIDDLEP1.2
Gerber, E. P.14MIDDLE7.3
Gettelman, A.14MIDDLEP3.1, P3.2, P3.5
Ghate, V. P.15ISA7.2
Gille, J.14MIDDLE6.3, 1.7, P3.6
Ginis, I.15ISA11.1
Giordani, H.15ISA4.3
Giorgetta, M. A.14MIDDLE5.9, 4.4
Godin, S.14MIDDLE8.8
Gomez, R. M.14MIDDLEP2.2
Goto, A.15ISA2.1
Graf, H.-F.14MIDDLE3.5
Gray, L. J.14MIDDLEP5.4, 4.2
Grieger, N.14MIDDLEP8.2
Grimsdell, A.14MIDDLE6.11
Grise, K. M.14MIDDLE5.6
Grooss, J.-U.14MIDDLE8.10
Grooß, J. -. U.14MIDDLEP3.14, 2.5
Grubisic, V.14MIDDLE6.6
Guirlet, M.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Gupta, A. K.15ISA5.3
Gurvich, A. S.14MIDDLEP6.4
Günther, G.14MIDDLE1.3, P3.14, 2.5
Haack, T.15ISA4.2
Halvorson, C.14MIDDLEP3.6
Hamada, A.14MIDDLEP3.17
Hamilton, K.14MIDDLE4.1
Han, W.15ISA9.3
Han, Y.14MIDDLEP4.3
Hanley, K. E.15ISA11.2
Hara, T.15ISA11.1
Hare, E.14MIDDLE8.8
Hare, J. E.15ISA13.4, 12.2
Harrison, D. E.15ISAP1.16, 6.2
Harrison, E. L.15ISA11.6
Hartmann, D. L.14MIDDLEJ1.1, 4.3
Hartsough, C.14MIDDLEP3.6
Harvey, V. L.14MIDDLEP7.19, 3.7
Hasebe, F.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7, P3.13, P3.17
Hasha, A. E.14MIDDLE6.10
Hashida, G.14MIDDLEP7.14
Hashizume, M.14MIDDLEP3.8
Hassiotis, A. D.14MIDDLEP6.9
Hauchecorne, A.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Hayashi, M.14MIDDLEP3.8
Hegglin, M. I.14MIDDLE2.4
Helmig, D.15ISA12.2
Hembise, O.14MIDDLEP7.2
Herman, R. L.14MIDDLEP3.9
Hertzog, A.14MIDDLEP6.2
Hicks, B. C.14MIDDLEP2.2
Higgins, W.14MIDDLEP8.3
Hill, M.15ISAP1.2, P1.3, P1.4, 12.3, 12.4
Hitchman, M.14MIDDLE4.6
Hitchman, M. H.14MIDDLE8.6, 5.11, P1.4
Hoerling, M.14MIDDLEJP1.1
Hogan, T. F.14MIDDLEP6.5, 5.10, P8.6
Hood, L. L.14MIDDLE3.3
Hoor, P.14MIDDLE2.4, 2.5
Hoppel, K. W.14MIDDLEP8.6
Hoskins, B. J.15ISA10.2
Hou, Y. -. T.14MIDDLEP8.4
Hristov, T. S.15ISA11.3
Hsieh, W. W.14MIDDLE4.1
Hu, A.15ISA5.2
Hu, Y.14MIDDLEP3.3
Hudson, R. D.14MIDDLE2.9
Hueber, J.15ISA12.2
Huebert, B. J.15ISA12.1
Huesmann, A. S.14MIDDLE5.11
Hughes, R.14MIDDLE2.3
Huret, N.14MIDDLE8.10
Hurwitz, M. M.14MIDDLE7.4
Hwang, P.15ISA13.2
Illig, S.15ISA9.4
Immler, F.14MIDDLEP3.17
Inai, Y.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.17
Iredell, M.14MIDDLEP8.4
Irion, B.14MIDDLEP3.15, P1.6
Ishimoto, H.14MIDDLEP3.8
Ito, K.14MIDDLE7.2
Iwamoto, K.14MIDDLEP3.8
Iwasaki, S.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7, P3.8, P3.17
Iwasaki, T.15ISA, 14MIDDLEP1.17, P4.1
Jackman, C. H.14MIDDLE3.9, P2.3
James, R.14MIDDLE2.7
Janicot, S.15ISAP1.14
Jensen, E.14MIDDLE1.1, 1.6, P3.12
Jensen, J. B.14MIDDLE6.6
Jiang, J.14MIDDLE1.9, 2.2
Jiang, Q.14MIDDLE6.6
Jiang, Y. B.14MIDDLEP7.4, P1.5
Jiang, Z.15ISA2.2
Jin, D.15ISA1.5
Johnson, D.14MIDDLEP7.7
Johnson, J. E.14MIDDLEP1.2
Jones, H. R.15ISA10.5
Joseph, E.14MIDDLEP1.3
Juang, H. -. M.14MIDDLEP8.4
Jucks, K.14MIDDLEP7.7, P7.16, 8.11
Kahn, B. H.14MIDDLE1.8, P3.5
Kamiakito, Y.14MIDDLEP3.8
Kane, T. J.14MIDDLEP6.9
Katsaros, K. B.15ISA9.1
Katzberg, S. J.15ISA7.4
Kawa, S. R.14MIDDLEP7.12, 8.9
Kawatani, Y.14MIDDLEP6.7
Kelly, K. A.15ISA10.5
Kempler, S. J.14MIDDLEP1.2
Khaikin, S.14MIDDLE1.5
Khosravi, R.14MIDDLEP3.6
Kinnison, D.14MIDDLEP3.6, 2.8
Kirchner, I.14MIDDLE3.5
Kirtman, B. P.15ISA1.5
Klaassen, G.14MIDDLEP6.12
Kleinboehl, A.14MIDDLEP7.7
Ko, M.14MIDDLE3.9
Koch, G.14MIDDLE8.5
Kochenash, A. J.14MIDDLEP8.6
Kodama, C.15ISAP1.17
Koike, T.14MIDDLEP3.8
Komala, N.14MIDDLE1.4
Konopka, P.14MIDDLE1.3, P3.14, 2.5
Kossin, J. P.15ISA10.6
Kouker, W.14MIDDLE3.6
Kovalenko, L.14MIDDLEP7.7
Kovalenko, L. J.14MIDDLEP7.16
Kraemer, M.14MIDDLEP3.9
Krueger, K.14MIDDLEP4.4
Krämer, M.14MIDDLE1.3
Kuai, L.14MIDDLEP3.15
Kushner, P. J.14MIDDLEJ1.5, J1.6
Kyrölä, E.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Labow, G. J.14MIDDLEP2.3
Lait, L.14MIDDLE5.7
Lambert, A.14MIDDLE5.7, 1.9, P2.2
Larsen, N.14MIDDLE1.5
Lary, D.14MIDDLEP7.17, 8.4, 5.7
Latif, M.14MIDDLE5.9
Lawrence, B. N.14MIDDLEP6.5
Lawrence, M. G.15ISA7.5
Lawson, R. P.14MIDDLE1.6
Lean, J.14MIDDLE3.8
Lebeaupin Brossier, C.15ISA4.3
Leblanc, T.14MIDDLEP5.2, P7.4, P2.8, P1.5
Lee, H.14MIDDLEP3.6
Lee, S.14MIDDLEJP1.4, 1.10, P3.10, P3.11
Lefer, B.14MIDDLEP1.3
Legras, B.14MIDDLE2.7
Leighton, T. G.15ISAP1.1
Lenain, L.15ISA12.5
Leptoukh, G. G.14MIDDLEP1.2
Li, F.14MIDDLE5.3, P3.2, P8.7
Li, J. Y.14MIDDLEP1.2
Li, Q.14MIDDLE2.1, 2.2
Li, T.14MIDDLEP2.8
Liang, C.14MIDDLEP3.5
Lin, R.14MIDDLEP2.7, P8.5
Lindeman, J. D.14MIDDLEP6.10
Lingard, J. J. N.15ISA12.3, 12.4
Lingenfelser, G.14MIDDLE3.4
Liou, K. N.14MIDDLEP3.5
Liu, P.14MIDDLE4.1
Livesey, N.14MIDDLEP7.3
Livesey, N. J.14MIDDLEP7.5, P7.7, P7.18, 5.7, 1.9, 2.1, 2.2, P4.4, P4.5
Long, C.14MIDDLEP2.7, P8.5
Long, C. S.14MIDDLEJP1.5, P8.3
Lopez-Puertas, M.14MIDDLE3.6
Loucks, A. L.14MIDDLEJP1.4, 1.10
Ma, J.14MIDDLEP6.5, P6.10, 5.10
MacKenzie, I. A.14MIDDLEP7.5
Mahrt, L.15ISA13.1
Maillard, E.14MIDDLE8.8
Maloney, E. D.15ISA3.3, 1.1
Mangin, A.14MIDDLEP7.2
Manney, G. L.14MIDDLEP7.5, P7.18, P7.19, 2.1, 2.4, P4.4
Manzini, E.14MIDDLE4.4
Margitan, J. J.14MIDDLEP7.7
Marsh, D. R.14MIDDLE3.2, 3.7, P2.3
Marshall, B. T.14MIDDLE3.1
Martin-Torres, F. J.14MIDDLE3.1
Maruyama, K.-I.14MIDDLEP3.8
Maruyama, N.14MIDDLEP8.4
Massie, S.14MIDDLE1.7, P3.6
Matsui, I.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7, P3.8, P3.17
Matsuura, H.14MIDDLEP3.17
Matthewman, J.14MIDDLE5.5
Maute, A.14MIDDLEP8.4
Mbengue, A. A.15ISAP1.14
McBeth, K.15ISA8.4
McCormack, J.14MIDDLEP4.2
McCormack, J. P.14MIDDLE5.10, P8.6
McDaniel, B. A.14MIDDLEJP1.2
McDermid, I. S.14MIDDLEP5.2, P7.4, P2.8, P1.5
McLandress, C.14MIDDLE6.7, P8.2
McLinden, C.14MIDDLE3.8
McNally, A.14MIDDLEP4.3
McQuaid, J.15ISA12.3
Mechoso, C. R.15ISA6.3
Melville, W. K.15ISA12.5
Merrill, J. T.14MIDDLEP1.3
Meyer, K. G.14MIDDLE1.8
Miller, A. J.14MIDDLEP2.7
Miller, S. K.14MIDDLEJP1.4, 1.10, P1.3
Milliff, R.15ISA9.2
Mills, M.14MIDDLE3.7
Millward, G. H.14MIDDLEP8.4
Minschwaner, K.14MIDDLEP7.18
Minschwaner, K. R.14MIDDLEP1.3
Misra, S.15ISA11.4
Miyazaki, K.14MIDDLEP4.1
Mlynczak, M. G.14MIDDLE6.4, 3.1, P4.4
Mo, Q.14MIDDLE1.6
Moat, B. I.15ISAP1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5, 12.3, 12.4
Moorthi, S.14MIDDLEP8.4
Morgenstern, O.14MIDDLE7.4
Morris, G.14MIDDLEP1.3
Morzel, J.15ISA9.2
Mote, P. W.14MIDDLE1.11
Mueller, J. A.15ISA11.5
Mueller, R.14MIDDLEP7.9
Müller, R.14MIDDLE8.10, 1.3, P3.14, 2.5
Naito, Y.14MIDDLE7.2
Nakajima, H.14MIDDLEP7.14, 8.10
Nakamura, H.15ISA2.1
Nardi, B.14MIDDLEP3.6
Nash, E. R.14MIDDLE8.2
Nash, J.14MIDDLEP2.7
Nathan, T.14MIDDLE3.11, P2.6
Nedoluha, G. E.14MIDDLEP7.15, 2.9, P2.2, P2.5
Neff, W.14MIDDLEJP1.1
Neill, C.15ISAP1.5
Newchurch, M.14MIDDLEP7.13
Newchurch, M. J.14MIDDLEP1.3
Newman, M.14MIDDLE, 15ISAJ1.4, 3.4, 6.5
Newman, P. A.14MIDDLEP7.10, P7.11, P7.12, JP1.6, 8.2, 5.7
Nielsen, J.14MIDDLE1.5
Nielsen, J. E.14MIDDLEP7.11, JP1.3, JP1.6, 8.2
Nishi, N.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.17
Norris, S. J.15ISAP1.2, P1.3, 12.3, 12.4
Nunez, A. M.15ISA9.1
O'Neill, L. W.15ISA8.2
Oelhaf, H.14MIDDLE8.10
Ogino, S. -. Y.14MIDDLEP6.1, 1.4, P3.8, P3.13
Ohfuchi, W.15ISA2.1
Okamoto, H.14MIDDLEP3.17
Oki, T.14MIDDLEP3.8
Okumura, Y. M.15ISA5.2
Olsen, M. A.14MIDDLEJP1.3
Oltmans, S. J.14MIDDLE8.8, 1.4, P1.3
Oman, L.14MIDDLEJP1.6
Omrani, N.-E.14MIDDLE5.9
Ortland, D. A.14MIDDLE6.11
Osprey, S. M.14MIDDLEP5.4
Pan, L.14MIDDLEP3.14, 2.5, 2.8, P1.1, P1.7
Parker, A. C.14MIDDLE8.6
Pascal, R. W.15ISAP1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5, 12.3, 12.4
Patoux, J.15ISA10.5
Paulson, C. A.15ISA3.3
Pawson, S.14MIDDLEP7.10, P7.11, P7.12, JP1.6, 8.2, P4.4
Pegion, P.14MIDDLE6.9
Peng, P.14MIDDLEP8.5
Perigaud, C.15ISA9.4
Perlwitz, J.14MIDDLEJP1.1
Persson, P. O. G.15ISA13.4
Peter, T.14MIDDLE8.5, 1.2, P3.9
Peters, D.14MIDDLE3.5, P2.1
Petropavlovskikh, I.14MIDDLE8.8
Pfister, L.14MIDDLEP3.12
Picard, R. H.14MIDDLE6.4
Pickett, H.14MIDDLEP7.16
Pickett, H. M.14MIDDLEP7.3, P7.18, 8.11
Pierce, R. B.14MIDDLEP1.3, P1.4
Pilson, B.14MIDDLE1.6
Pirre, M.14MIDDLE8.10
Plant, R. S.15ISA10.2
Polvani, L.14MIDDLE7.3, P8.8
Polvani, L. M.14MIDDLE5.5, 2.6, P2.4, P8.7, P1.8
Pommereau, J.-P.14MIDDLE1.5
Popp, P.14MIDDLEP3.9
Preusse, P.14MIDDLE6.4
Pullen, J.15ISA4.2
Pumphrey, H. C.14MIDDLEP7.18, 5.7, P4.5
Pyle, J. A.14MIDDLE7.4
Randall, C. E.14MIDDLEP7.19, 3.7, P3.6
Randel, W. J.14MIDDLE5.2
Rappenglueck, B.14MIDDLEP1.3
Ray, E. A.14MIDDLE5.12
Read, W. G.14MIDDLE5.7, 1.9, 2.1
Reasor, P. D.15ISA8.4
Reddmann, T.14MIDDLE3.6
Reddy, S.14MIDDLEP5.4
Reid, G. C.14MIDDLEJ1.3
Remedios, J.14MIDDLEP6.3
Remsberg, E.14MIDDLE3.1, 3.4, P4.4
Ress, T. A.15ISAP1.8, P1.11
Rex, M.14MIDDLEP7.6, P7.8, 8.5
Richmond, A. D.14MIDDLEP8.4
Richter, A.15ISA7.5
Richter, I.15ISA2.3
Richter, J.14MIDDLE6.8, P8.1
Rigby, M. H. N.14MIDDLEP5.3
Rind, D. H.14MIDDLEJ1.7, 3.8
Ritchie, H.15ISA8.3
Robinson, W. A.14MIDDLE5.4
Rogal, M. J.14MIDDLE4.6
Rosenlof, K. H.14MIDDLE5.12, J1.3
Rottman, J. W.14MIDDLEP6.10
Rozanov, E.14MIDDLE3.10
Rubbo, C.14MIDDLE3.7
Ruhnke, R.14MIDDLE3.6
Russell, J. M., III14MIDDLE6.4, 3.1, 3.7, P4.4, P2.2
Ryu, J.-H.14MIDDLEP3.10, P3.11
Saavedra, L.14MIDDLE3.2
Saga, K.14MIDDLEP3.8
Saha, S.14MIDDLEP8.5
Salawitch, R.14MIDDLEP7.3, P7.8
Salawitch, R. J.14MIDDLEP7.6, P7.7, P7.9, P7.13, P7.16, 8.5, 8.11
Samelson, R.15ISA4.1
Sampe, T.15ISA2.1
Sander, S.14MIDDLEP7.3
Santee, M.14MIDDLE2.2
Santee, M. L.14MIDDLEP7.5, 2.1
Santos, F.14MIDDLE1.3
Saraspriya, S.14MIDDLE1.4
Sardeshmukh, P.14MIDDLEJ1.4
Sassi, F.14MIDDLE6.8, P6.8
Sato, K.14MIDDLEP7.14, P6.1, P6.7
Saxena, G.15ISA11.4
Schauffler, S.14MIDDLE2.8
Schiller, C.14MIDDLE1.3, P3.14, 2.4, 2.5
Schmidlin, F. J.14MIDDLEP1.3
Schmidt, H.14MIDDLEP8.2
Schmidt, K. S.14MIDDLE1.8
Schoeberl, M.14MIDDLEP5.7, P7.11, JP1.3, 5.7
Schofield, R.14MIDDLEP7.6, P7.8, 8.5
Schwartz, M. J.14MIDDLEP4.4
Schwierz, C.15ISAP1.3
Scinocca, J.14MIDDLEJ1.6
Scinocca, J. F.14MIDDLE6.10, 4.5
Scott, J. D.15ISA6.4, 6.5
Scott, R. K.14MIDDLEP8.8
Sen, B.14MIDDLEP7.16
Seppälä, A.14MIDDLE3.2
Shelow, D. M.14MIDDLEJP1.4, 1.10
Shepherd, T. G.14MIDDLE8.3, 4.5
Shibata, T.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7
Shimizu, A.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7, P3.8, P3.17
Shine, K.14MIDDLE5.2
Shiotani, M.14MIDDLEP7.1, 1.4, P3.7, P3.13, P3.16, P3.17
Sigmond, M.14MIDDLEJ1.6
Sikora, T. D.15ISAP1.9, P1.10, P1.11, P1.11A
Sioris, C.14MIDDLEP7.16
Siskind, D.14MIDDLEP4.2
Siskind, D. E.14MIDDLE3.7, P8.6
Skjelvan, I.15ISAP1.5
Skyllingstad, E. D.15ISA4.1
Sletten, M. A.15ISA13.2
Small, R. J. O.15ISA3.1
Smith, A. K.14MIDDLE3.2
Smith, M. H.15ISAP1.2, 12.3
Smith, P. J.15ISA12.3
Smith, R. B.14MIDDLE6.6
Sofieva, V.14MIDDLEP7.2, P6.4, 3.2
Son, S.-W.14MIDDLEP3.11, P2.4, P1.8
Song, I.-S.14MIDDLE6.9, P6.6
Song, Q.15ISA3.2
Sonmor, L.14MIDDLEP6.12
SPARC Working Group On Stratospheric Temperature Trends, -.14MIDDLE5.2
Spelten, N.14MIDDLE1.3
Srokosz, M. A.15ISAP1.2, P1.3, 12.3, 12.4
Stachnik, R. A.14MIDDLEP7.7
Stajner, I.14MIDDLE4.6
Stammerjohn, S.14MIDDLEJ1.7
Stenchikov, G. L.14MIDDLE4.1
Stephens, A.14MIDDLEP6.5
Stepp, M. D.15ISAP1.9, P1.10
Stewart, M. L.15ISA10.4
Stiller, G.14MIDDLE3.6
Stimpfle, R.14MIDDLEP7.8
Stolarski, R. S.14MIDDLEP7.10, P7.11, P7.12, JP1.6, 8.2, 8.9
Stollberg, M. T.14MIDDLE5.10
Strawa, A.14MIDDLEP7.15
Strawbridge, K. B.14MIDDLEP4.4
Stroh, F.14MIDDLE8.5
Strokosz, M. A.15ISAP1.1
Strong, K.14MIDDLEP4.4
Su, H.14MIDDLE1.9
Suarez, M. J.14MIDDLE6.9
Sugimoto, N.14MIDDLE1.4, P3.7, P3.8, P3.17
Sugita, T.14MIDDLEP7.14
Sun, L.14MIDDLE5.4
Sura, P.15ISA3.4
Suzuki, J.14MIDDLEP3.16
Swadley, S. D.14MIDDLEP4.3
Tachibana, Y.14MIDDLEP3.8
Takacs, L. L.14MIDDLE6.9
Takahashi, M.14MIDDLEP6.7
Takayanagi, M.14MIDDLEP7.1
Tamminen, J.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Tan Thanh, N. T.14MIDDLEP3.13
Tarasick, D. W.14MIDDLEP1.3
Tassone, C. M.14MIDDLE6.9
Taubman, B. F.14MIDDLEP1.3
Taylor, P. K.15ISAP1.5
Teitelbaum, H.14MIDDLE6.3
Telszewski, M.15ISAP1.3, 12.3
Thana, B.14MIDDLEP3.8
Thengumthara, K.15ISA7.5
Thompson, A. M.14MIDDLEP5.7, JP1.4, 1.10, P1.3
Thompson, D. W. J.14MIDDLE, 15ISA5.2, 5.6, 1.4
Thompson, E.14MIDDLE3.1
Thompson, L.15ISA10.5
Thum, N.15ISA8.2
Thuy Ha, H.14MIDDLEP3.13
Tian, B.14MIDDLEP3.15
Tilmes, S.14MIDDLEP7.9, 8.10, 2.8
Timmermann, A.15ISA5.2
Tjernstrom, M.15ISAP1.6
Tomikawa, Y.14MIDDLEP7.14, P6.7
Toon, G.14MIDDLEP7.7, P7.16, 8.10
Tripathi, O. P.14MIDDLEP1.5
Tyranowski, T.14MIDDLEP3.15
Ueyama, R.14MIDDLEJ1.2
Uhl, R.14MIDDLE3.6
Ulanovsky, A.14MIDDLEP3.14
V. Clarmann, T.14MIDDLE3.6
Vanhellemont, F.14MIDDLEP7.2, 3.2
Veron, F.15ISA11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 12.5
Verronen, P. T.14MIDDLE3.2
Versick, S.14MIDDLE3.6
Vial, F.14MIDDLEP6.2
Viciani, S.14MIDDLEP3.14
Vickers, D.15ISA13.1
Vimont, D. J.15ISA10.6, 6.4
Vincent, R. A.14MIDDLEP6.2
Vitt, F. M.14MIDDLEP2.3
Volk, C. M.14MIDDLEP3.14, 2.5
Vomel, H.14MIDDLEP3.2
Von Hobe, M.14MIDDLE8.5
Vömel, H.14MIDDLE1.4
Waddington, I.15ISAP1.1
Waliser, D.14MIDDLEP3.15
Walker, K. A.14MIDDLEP7.5, 2.4, P4.4, P4.5
Wallace, J. M.14MIDDLEJ1.2
Wang, H.14MIDDLEP8.4
Wang, Y.14MIDDLE5.8
Watanabe, A.14MIDDLEP6.1
Watanabe, S.14MIDDLEP6.7
Waters, J.14MIDDLE2.2
Waters, J. W.14MIDDLEP7.5, P7.7
Waugh, D.14MIDDLEJP1.6
Waugh, D. W.14MIDDLEP7.12, 7.3, 8.9, P2.4
Weatherhead, B.14MIDDLE8.7
Weatherhead, E. C.14MIDDLEP7.19
Webster, C. R.14MIDDLEP3.9
Wei, J.14MIDDLEP1.7
Weisenstein, D.14MIDDLE3.9
Weissman, D. E.15ISA8.1
Weller, R. A.15ISA7.2
Wennberg, P.14MIDDLEP7.16
Wetzel, G.14MIDDLE8.10
Wijesekera, H. W.15ISA3.3
Wilmouth, D.14MIDDLEP7.8
Wilson, R. J.14MIDDLE5.3
Winstead, N. S.15ISAP1.11
Witte, J. C.14MIDDLEP5.7, JP1.4, 1.10, P1.3
Wohltmann, I.14MIDDLE8.5
Woolf, D. K.15ISAP1.1, P1.2, P1.3, 12.3, 12.4
Wrotny, J. E.14MIDDLEP2.5
Wu, D. L.14MIDDLE6.5, P6.5, 1.9
Wu, F.14MIDDLEP8.4
Xiao, H.15ISA6.3
Xie, S. -. P.15ISA2.1
Xie, S.-P.15ISA5.2, 2.3, 2.4
Yamanaka, M. D.14MIDDLEP6.1
Yamanouchi, T.14MIDDLEP7.14
Yamashita, K.14MIDDLEP3.8
Yan, X.14MIDDLEP6.3
Yang, E.-S.14MIDDLEP7.13
Yang, Q.14MIDDLE5.8, P3.2, P3.3
Yang, S.-K.14MIDDLEP2.7
Yang, S. K.14MIDDLEJP1.5
Yelland, M. J.15ISAP1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5, 12.3, 12.4
Yoden, S.14MIDDLE7.2
Yoneyama, K.14MIDDLEP3.17
Yorks, J. E.14MIDDLEP1.3
Young, G. S.15ISAP1.9, P1.10
Yudin, V.14MIDDLEP6.8
Yue, Q.14MIDDLE1.8, P3.5
Yung, Y.14MIDDLEP3.4, P3.15
Zachar, N.14MIDDLEP1.4
Zender, C. S.15ISAP1.13
Zhang, Z.14MIDDLE1.8
Zhao, W.15ISA10.1
Zhou, S.14MIDDLEJP1.5, P8.3, P8.5