Sunday, 20 January 2008 |
| 7:30 AM-9:30 AM, Sunday 2008 Short Course Registration |
| 9:00 AM-6:00 PM, Sunday 2008 Conference Registration |
| 12:00 PM-4:00 PM, Sunday 2008, Exhibit Hall B 7th Annual WeatherFest |
Monday, 21 January 2008 |
| 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Monday 2008 Registration continues through Thursday, 24 January |
| 10:15 AM-10:45 AM, Monday 2008 Coffee Break (Mon a.m.) |
| 11:45 AM-1:30 PM, Monday 2008 Opening Plenary Session Featuring Mayor Nagin of New Orleans (Cash & Carry Lunch) |
| 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Monday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break (mon p.m.) |
| 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Monday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Formal Opening of Exhibits with Reception (Cash Bar) |
Tuesday, 22 January 2008 |
| 9:00 AM-9:45 AM, Tuesday 2008, 210 Session 1 RADAR/LIDAR Studies from Space |
Chair: G. Mace, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
| 9:00 AM | 1.1 | Spaceborne Lidar-radar Observations of Winter-time Polar Clouds Graeme Stephens, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and J. P. Blanchet |
| 9:15 AM | 1.2 | CALIPSO—Advancing our Understanding of Clouds and Aerosols in Climate, Weather, and Air Quality  Charles Trepte, NASA, Hampton, VA |
| 9:30 AM | 1.3 | Cirrus Cloud and Polar Stratospheric Cloud Measurements from CALIPSO  M. Patrick McCormick, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and H. Nazaryan and M. T. Hill |
| 9:45 AM | | Discussion
| 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break (Tue a.m.) |
| 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Poster Session 1 Recent Developments in Atmospheric Applications of Radar and lidar |
Cochairs: Belay B. Demoz, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; Tammy M. Weckwerth, NCAR, Boulder, CO; Gelsomina Pappalardo, CNR/IMAA, Tito Scalo Italy; Howard B. Bluestein, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| | P1.1 | Raman-shifted Eye-safe Aerosol Lidar (REAL): Scanning, eye-safe, aerosol lidar at 1.5 microns Shane D. Mayor, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA; and S. M. Spuler and B. M. Morley |
| | P1.2 | Using a low-order model to detect and characterize tornadoes in multiple-Doppler radar data Corey K. Potvin, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and A. M. Shapiro, T. Y. Yu, M. Xue, and J. Gao |
| | P1.3 | Simulation testbed for atmospheric LIDAR: application to CO2 measurements J. Stewart Hager, AER, Inc., Lexington, MA; and H. E. Snell, T. S. Zaccheo, J. Dobler, and M. E. Dobbs |
| | P1.4 | Development of high resolution and fast scanning radar Katsuyuki Imai, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan; and T. Ushio and Z. I. Kawasaki |
| | P1.5 | Cloud occurrence, layering and overlap from combined cloudsat and calipso data G. Mace, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT |
| | P1.6 | High resolution assimilation of CASA radar data from a tornadic convective system Alexander D. Schenkman, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and A. M. Shapiro, K. Brewster, M. Xue, J. Gao, and N. Snook |
| | P1.7 | Observing Systems Simulation Experiments at NCEP -OSSEs for realistic adaptive targeted DWL, Uniform Observation and AIRS Michiko Masutani, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, JCSDA, and Wyle, Camp Springs, MD; and J. S. Woollen, H. Sun, G. D. Emmitt, Y. Song, Y. Xie, S. J. Lord, and Z. Toth |
| | P1.8 | Development of a modular wind profiling network (MPN) William O. J. Brown, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. B. Chilson, S. A. Cohn, T. Hock, J. R. Jordan, D. Law, B. Lindseth, R. D. Palmer, M. K. Politovich, and T. Y. Yu |
| | P1.9 | CloudSat precipitation profiling algorithm—model description Cristian Mitrescu, NRL, Monterey, CA; and J. M. Haynes, T. S. L'Ecuyer, J. Turk, and S. D. Miller |
| | P1.10 | Oxygen band radar for sea surface air pressure measurements: Applications for tropical storm forecasts Bing Lin, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and Y. Hu, S. Harrah, D. Fralick, and R. Lawrence |
| | P1.11 | A new application utilizing Google Earth to project vertical information of clouds and aerosols obtained by CALIPSO Paul Thomas Ewing, Pennsylvania State University, Huntingtown, MD; and N. A. Gasperoni, T. N. Hillyer, B. S. Hughes, J. W. Carpenter, and J. Gleason |
| | P1.12 | Multi-patterns to Reduce Sidelobe Effects on the National Weather Radar Testbed Guifu Zhang, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. J. Doviak, C. Curtis, and Q. Cao |
| | P1.13 | Characterization of the vertical profiles of snow clouds by CloudSat radar data Guosheng Liu, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL |
| | P1.14 | VORTRAC—A Utitility to Deduce Central Pressure and Radius of maximum wind of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Using WSR-88D data Wen-Chau Lee, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. R. Harasti and M. M. Bell |
| | P1.15 | High resolution weather radar through pulse compression Timothy A. Alberts, Univeristy of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and P. B. Chilson, B. L. Cheong, R. D. Palmer, and M. Xue |
| | P1.16 | Surface backscatter observed by CloudSat's CPR: interpretation and correction Simone Tanelli, JPL/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and S. V. Nghiem, S. L. Durden, and E. Im |
| | P1.17 | New combined lidar and radar measurement capability from Wyoming King Air Zhien Wang, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; and P. Wechsler, J. R. French, A. Rodi, S. Haimov, and W. Kuestner |
| | P1.18 | Use of airborne Doppler Wind Lidar to optimize the utility of UAV and space-based systems George D. Emmitt, Simpson Weather Associates, Charlottesville, VA; and S. A. Wood, S. Greco, C. O'Handley, and H. Jonsson |
| | P1.19 | Nexrad-In-Space (NIS): Anticipated advances in hurricane monitoring & track-intensity predictions Eric A. Smith, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and V. Chandrasekar, S. S. Chen, G. J. Holland, E. Im, R. Kakar, W. E. Lewis, F. D. Marks, S. Tanelli, and G. J. Tripoli |
| | P1.20 | Cloud Climatology from CALIPSO: Algorithm Theoretical Basis, Performance and Global Cloud Statistics Yongxiang Hu, NASA/LRC, Hampton, VA; and B. Lin |
| | P1.21 | The global distribution of drizzle in marine stratocumulus observed by CloudSat and CALIPSO Zhien Wang, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY; and D. Leon, G. L. Stephens, D. M. Winker, D. G. Vane, and D. Liu |
| | P1.22 | Studies of the lifecycle of tropical cloud systems using CloudSat/CALIPSO Brian J. Soden, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL |
| | P1.23 | Use of coincident CloudSat & TRMM radar reflectivity cross-sections to investigate diurnal cycle of precipitation within marine stratocumulus cloud environments Eric A. Smith, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt,, MD; and H. M. Carty, K. S. Kuo, and S. Yang |
| | P1.24 | Use of active remote sensors to improve the accuracy of cloud top heights derived from thermal satellite observations Christopher Rogers Yost, Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Hampton, VA; and P. Minnis, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, and M. J. McGill |
| | P1.26 | Application of the NASA A-Train to evaluate clouds simulated by the Weather Research and Forecast Model Andrew L. Molthan, University of Alabama Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; and G. J. Jedlovec and W. M. Lapenta |
| | P1.27 | CALIPSO data and tools available from NASA's Atmospheric Science Data Center Linda A. Hunt, SSAI/NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center, Hampton, VA |
| | P1.28 | Using A-train to establish the effects of Saharan Dust on the development and intensity of tropical cyclones Thomas A. Kovacs, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI |
| | P1.29 | A preliminary arctic cloud climatology and heat budget from CloudSat and CALIPSO Aaron J. Schwartz, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and T. H. Vonder Haar |
| 11:00 AM-6:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (Tuesday) |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Tuesday 2008, La Louisiane Presidental Forum: Hurricane Katrina: Looking Back to Look Ahead (Cash & Carry) (Presidental Forum will run parallel to the other sessions throughout the afternoon) |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, 210 Session 2 Radar/lidar Studies from Space |
Chair: Simone Tanelli, JPL/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
| 1:30 PM | 2.1 | On the Use of CloudSat and MODIS data for Estimating Hurricane Intensity  Zhengzhao Luo, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and G. Stephens, K. A. Emanuel, D. G. Vane, N. Tourville, and J. M. Haynes |
| 1:45 PM | 2.2 | EarthCARE mission consolidation phase: Update on the lidar, radar, imager and radiometer onboard one single space platform  Tobias Wehr, ESA, Noordwijk, Netherlands; and D. Lajas, P. Ingmann, M. Eisinger, A. Lefebvre, and A. Heliere |
| 2:00 PM | | P1.21 will present in place of withdrawn 2.3 
|  | 2.3 | Airborne and future spaceborne Doppler wind lidar observations with ADM-Aeolus for weather forecast applications Oliver Reitebuch, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR, Wessling, Germany |
| 2:15 PM | | Discussion
| 3:00 PM-3:30 PM, Tuesday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall (tues p.m.) |
| 3:30 PM-5:00 PM, Tuesday 2008, 210 Session 3 Combined radar/lidar instrumentation and new Technologies |
Chair: Syed Ismail, NASA, Hampton, VA
| 3:30 PM | 3.1 | Nexrad-In-Space—A geostationary satellite Doppler weather radar for hurricane studies Eastwood Im, JPL / California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and V. Chandrasekar, S. S. Chen, G. J. Holland, R. Kakar, F. D. Marks, E. A. Smith, S. Tanelli, and G. J. Tripoli |
| 3:45 PM | 3.2 | Development of Advanced Radar and Lidar Platform Suite for Interdisciplinary Airborne and Ground-based Remote-sensing Research  James A. Moore, NCAR/EOL, Boulder, CO; and J. Vivekanandan, W. Lee, E. Loew, S. D. Mayor, and S. M. Spuler |
| 4:00 PM | 3.3 | The TWiLiTE airborne direct detection Doppler lidar for tropospheric wind profiling  Bruce Gentry, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD |
| 4:15 PM | 3.4 | High-resolution water-vapor measurement using a ground-based, mobile differential absorption lidar system  Volker Wulfmeyer, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany; and A. Behrendt, M. Shiler, S. Pal, A. Riede, H. S. Bauer, G. Wagner, A. Fix, M. Wirth, G. Ehret, U. Wandinger, and D. Althausen |
| 4:30 PM | | Discussion
Wednesday, 23 January 2008 |
| 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Wednesday 2008, 210 Session 4 Radar-Lidar observations and applications |
Chair: G. D. Emmitt, Simpson Weather Associates, Charlottesville, VA
| 8:30 AM | 4.1 | NASA High-Altitude Cloud and Precipitation Radars for Process Studies and Satellite Validation  Gerald M. Heymsfield, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD |
| 8:45 AM | 4.2 | Structure of meridional moisture transport over the US Southern Great Plains observed by co-deployed airborne wind and water vapor lidars  R. Michael Hardesty, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO; and W. A. Brewer, C. J. Senff, B. J. McCarty, G. Ehret, A. Fix, C. Kiemle, and E. I. Tollerud |
| 9:00 AM | 4.3 | The use of radar and lidar to study the microphysical processes in water clouds Herman Russchenberg, Delft Univ. of Technology, Delft, Netherlands; and O. Krasnov, A. Khain, and M. Pinsky |
| 9:15 AM | 4.4 | Evaluation of the representation of clouds in NWP models using radar and lidar:The Cloudnet project  Anthony J. Illingworth, University of Reading, Reading, Berks., United Kingdom |
| 9:30 AM | | Discussion
| 10:00 AM-10:30 AM, Wednesday 2008 Coffee Break (Wed a.m.) |
| 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Wednesday 2008, 210 Session 5 Radar/Lidar networks and integration with other instruments |
Chair: Shane D. Mayor, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA
| 10:30 AM | 5.1 | ARM's cloud research using combined radar, lidar, and passive microwave measurements  Warren J. Wiscombe, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and P. Kollias |
| 10:45 AM | 5.2 | GAW Aerosol Lidar Observations Network (GALION)  Raymond M. Hoff, JCET/Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; and J. Boesenberg |
| 11:00 AM | 5.3 | EARLINET correlative measurements for the CALIPSO mission Gelsomina Pappalardo, CNR/IMAA, Tito Scalo, Italy; and J. Bösenberg, A. Amodeo, A. Ansmann, A. Apituley, L. A. Arboledas, D. Balis, C. Böckmann, A. Chaikovsky, A. Comeron, G. D'Amico, V. Freudenthaler, A. Giunta, I. Grigorov, G. Hansen, I. Mattis, L. Mona, D. Müller, V. Mitev, D. Nicolae, A. Papayannis, M. R. Perrone, A. Pietruczuk, M. Pujadas, J. P. Putaud, F. Ravetta, V. Rizi, V. Simeonov, N. Spinelli, T. Trickl, U. Wandinger, and M. Wiegner |
| 11:15 AM | 5.4 | Distributed Collaborative Adaptive Radar Network: The CASA IP-1 Testbed Observations  V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; and D. J. McLaughlin, J. A. Brotzge, M. Zink, B. D. Phillips, and Y. Wang |
| 11:30 AM | | Discussion
| 11:00 AM-6:30 PM, Wednesday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (wednesday) |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Wednesday 2008 Lunch Break (Cash & Carry in Exhibit Hall) (Wednesday) |
| 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Wednesday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break (wednesday p.m.) |
| 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Wednesday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Poster Session 2 Recent Developments in Atmospheric Applications of Radar and lidar |
Chairs: Belay B. Demoz, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; Tammy M. Weckwerth, NCAR, Boulder, CO; Gelsomina Pappalardo, CNR- IMAA, Tito Scalo (Potenza) Italy; Howard B. Bluestein, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| | P2.1 | Improving numerical forecasting of the wind by using LIDAR data in the Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) Svenja Koos, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany; and C. S. Lau and P. W. Chan |
| | P2.2 | Mixing layer height assessment with a compact lidar ceilometer Christoph Münkel, Vaisala GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; and R. Roininen |
| | P2.3 | TDWR-LIDAR dual Doppler analysis of 2D wind field associated with subtropical squall lines P. W. Chan, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong, China; and A. M. Shao |
| | P2.4 | An inter-comparison of raindrop size distributions retrieved from polarimetric radar parameters Michael P. Morris, University of Oklahoma Atmospheric Radar Research Center, Norman, OK; and P. B. Chilson, A. V. Ryzhkov, T. J. Schuur, M. Teshiba, G. Zhang, Q. Cao, R. D. Palmer, and L. M. Kanofsky |
| | P2.5 | Evaluation of an MPL Cloud Detection Algorithm as a Reference for Ceilometer Testing Within the ASOS PI Program Aaron J. Poyer, NOAA/NWS, Sterling, VA |
| | P2.6 | Case for a climate-driven synergy between 3D cloud tomography using radar or microwaves and fine-resolution oxygen A-band spectroscopy Anthony B. Davis, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and P. Kollias and Q. Min |
| | P2.7 | Measurements of convective turbulence using an autonomous Doppler lidar system Fay Davies, Univ. of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom; and C. G. Collier and G. N. Pearson |
| | P2.8 | Combination of measurements from a millimeter wave cloud radar and a high spectral resolution lidar at Eureka Jasmine Rémillard, McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada; and P. Kollias, M. Shupe, and E. W. Eloranta |
| | P2.9 | Theoretical Threhold Reflectivity for Drizzling Clouds and Aerosol Indirect Effects Yangang Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and B. Geerts, M. A. Miller, P. H. Daum, and R. L. McGraw |
| | P2.10 | How can radar data improve microwave cloud tomography retrievals? Dong Huang, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and Y. Liu and W. Wiscombe |
| | P2.11 | Observations of severe convective storms with a mobile, phased-array, X-band Doppler radar Howard B. Bluestein, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. Bluth, J. Knorr, I. PopStefanija, B. Seeger, R. Tanamachi, J. Houser, J. Snyder, and M. French |
| | P2.12 | An examination of the hail detection algorithm over central Alabama Kevin B. Laws, NOAA/NWSFO, Calera, AL; and S. W. Unger and J. Sirmon |
| | P2.13 | Microphysical size sorting revealed by dual-polarization Doppler radar Matthew R. Kumjian, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and A. V. Ryzhkov |
| | P2.14 | Close-range observations of a tornadic supercell with C-band polarimetric Doppler radar Matthew R. Kumjian, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and A. V. Ryzhkov, J. L. Alford, M. Knight, and J. W. Conway |
| | P2.15 | A case study evaluating Distributed Collaborative Adaptive Sensing: Analysis of the 8 May 2007 minisupercell event J. Brotzge, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and L. R. Lemon, D. L. Andra, and K. Hondl |
| | P2.16 | Vortical hot towers observed by NASA's ER-2 Doppler radar (EDOP) Stephen R. Guimond, COAPS/Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and G. M. Heymsfield |
| | P2.17 | Impact of Spatial Over-sampling by Phase-Array Radar on Convective-Storm Analysis using Ensemble Kalman Filter Ting Lei, CAPS of University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and M. Xue, T. Y. Yu, and M. Teshiba |
| | P2.18 | High spectral resolution lidar emulation via Doppler cloud radar spectrum processing and its implications for cloud phase identification Edward Luke, BNL, Upton, NY; and P. Kollias and M. Shupe |
| | P2.19 | Assimilation of CASA radar data for a tornadic convective system using ensemble Kalman filters Nathan Snook, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and M. Xue and A. D. Schenkman |
| | P2.20 | Long-term lidar and radar observations of Arctic stratus at two locations Gijs De Boer, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and E. W. Eloranta and J. P. Garcia |
| | P2.22 | Long-term synthesis of ARM millimeter cloud radar and micropulse lidar observations Karen L. Johnson, BNL, Upton, NY; and M. Jensen, P. Kollias, and E. E. Clothiaux |
| | P2.23 | A Field Experiment to Study Rain Microphysics Using Video Disdrometers, A Profiler, and Polarimetric S and X-Band Radars Guifu Zhang, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and Q. Cao, M. Xue, P. B. Chilson, M. P. Morris, R. D. Palmer, J. Brotzge, T. J. Schuur, E. A. Brandes, K. Iketa, A. V. Ryzhkov, D. S. Zrnic, and E. Jessup |
| | P2.24 | LASE Measurements of Water Vapor, Aerosol, and Cloud Distributions in Regions of African Easterly Waves and Saharan Dust Layers Syed Ismail, NASA, Hampton, VA; and E. Browell, R. Ferrare, A. Notari, S. Kooi, C. Butler, T. N. Krishnamurti, J. P. Dunion, and G. Heymsfield |
| | P2.25 | Identification of Aerosols Above the Planetary Boundary Layer: ELF and ALEX Ride the A-Train Ruben Delgado, JCET/Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; and P. Schou, L. Zhu, M. Woodman, M. Seybold, K. J. McCann, and R. M. Hoff |
| | P2.26 | A study of wintertime mixed-phase clouds over land using satellite and aircraft observations Yoo-Jeong Noh, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and J. A. Kankiewicz, S. Q. Kidder, and T. H. Vonder Haar |
| | P2.27 | An analytical expression for doppler spectra related to terminal velocity with non-uniform drop size distribution Ming Fang, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. J. Doviak and P. Zhang |
| | P2.28 | CFLOS and cloud statistics from satellite and their impact on future space-based Doppler Wind Lidar development George D. Emmitt, Simpson Weather Associates, Charlottesville, VA; and S. Greco, D. M. Winker, and Y. Hu |
| | P2.30 | DOW and DIAL observations in COPS Tammy M. Weckwerth, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and V. Wulfmeyer and J. W. Wilson |
| 5:30 PM-6:30 PM, Wednesday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Reception in Exhibit Hall (Cash Bar) (Wednesday) |
| 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, Wednesday 2008 AMS Annual Awards Banquet at the Hilton Riverside Hotel |
Thursday, 24 January 2008 |
| 8:30 AM-9:45 AM, Thursday 2008, R08-R09 Joint Panel Discussion 3 Enhancing the Connectivity between Research and Applications for the Benefit of Society Part III (Joint between the 22nd Conference on Hydrology, the Symposium on Recent Developments in Atmospheric Applications of Radar and Lidar, the The Severe Local Storms Committee, the The Air-sea Interaction Committee, the The Agricultural and Forecast Meteorology Committee, the Third Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, and the Third Symposium on Policy and Socio-Economic Research) |
Panelists: Steven J. Weiss, NOAA/NCEP/SPC, Norman, OK; Steve Goodman, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Camp Springs, MD; Bob Alder, Senior Scientist in the Laboratory for Atmospheres; Paul R. Houser, George Mason Univ./Center for Research on Environment and Water, Calverton, MD; Edgar L. Andreas, NorthWest Research Associates, Inc., Lebanon, NH; David L. Spittlehouse, British Columbia Ministry of Forests and Range, Victoria, BC Canada
Moderator: Pam L. Heinselman, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| | | Pam L. Heinselman 
| | | Steven J. Weiss 
| | | Stephen Goodman 
| | | Bob Alder 
| | | Paul R. Houser 
| | | Edgar L. Andreas 
| | | David L. Spittlehouse 
| | | Howie (Cb) Bluestein 
| | | Panel Discussion 
| 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Thursday 2008, Exhibit Hall B Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break (Thurs a.m.) |
| 11:00 AM-4:00 PM, Thursday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (thurs) |
| 12:15 PM-1:30 PM, Thursday 2008 Lunch Break (Cash & Carry in Exhibit Hall) (Thurs) |
| 3:00 PM-3:30 PM, Thursday 2008, Exhibit Hall A Coffee Break and Exhibit Hall Raffle (Thurs) |