Thursday, 12 November 2009 |
| 1:30 PM-3:10 PM, Thursday Session 1A Weather, Hydrology and Watersheds I |
| 1:30 PM | 1A.1 | NOAA programs relevant to weather and air quality forecasts Jeffery T. Mcqueen, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD |
| 1:55 PM | 1A.2 | Issues relating to wind chill from mesonets and vertical wind profile variations Loren D. White, Jackson State Univ., Jackson, MS; and M. L. Jones |
| 2:10 PM | 1A.3 | SEAMONSTER: A testbed sensor web for wireless monitoring of climate change impacts on partially glaciated watersheds Matt Heavner, University of Alaska, Juneau, AK; and C. Connor, E. Hood, and R. Fatland |
| 2:25 PM | 1A.4 | Orographic Effects on Tropical Cyclogenesis over Eastern Pacific Ocean Van Nguyen, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin and G. Tang |
| 2:40 PM | 1A.5 | Uncertainty of a Weather Prediction Model in Predicting Extreme Rainfall Events: Application to Hurricane Rita Nasrin Nasrollahi, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA; and A. AghaKouchak |
| 2:55 PM | 1A.6 | A Study of Large-Scale Surface Fluxes and Vertical Motions Associated with Landfall of Hurricane Katrina R. Suseela Reddy, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and H. Natarajan, D. Lu, K. M. Greene, and Q. L. Williams |
| 1:30 PM-3:10 PM, Thursday Session 1B Remote Sensing and Satellites I |
| 1:30 PM | 1B.1 | Plans for an Observational Analysis of the Variations of the Global Energy and Water Cycle William B. Rossow, CREST/City College of New York, New York, NY |
| 1:55 PM | 1B.2 | A Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer Network for Distributed Monitoring of Urban and Rural Aerosol Properties Using the NASA-GISS Algorithm Miguel A. Bustamante, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and F. Moshary, B. Gross, and S. Ahmed |
| 2:10 PM | 1B.3 | Developing an Algorithm to Investigate Cloud Lifetime using GOES Thermal Channel Information Xiaoqian Pan, NOAA, Ozone Park, NY |
| 2:25 PM | 1B.4 | Improved aerosol retrieval from MODIS over urban areas with regional tuning of surface models Ana J. Picon, City College and CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY; and B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed |
| 2:40 PM | 1B.5 | Satellite Observations of the Northern California Summer 2008 Wildfires Jasper Lewis Jr., Hampton University, Hampton, VA |
| 2:55 PM | 1B.6 | Estimating above-ground biomass of salt marsh vegetation using hyperspectral measurements of canopy level reflectance Paul B. T. Merani, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; and D. C. Rundquist and J. F. Schalles |
| 1:30 PM-3:10 PM, Thursday Session 1C Living Marine Resources I |
| 1:30 PM | 1C.1 | Spatial variation in habitat associations for monkfish (Lophius americanus V.) in the northwest Atlantic Daniel W. Cullen, NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and D. A. Richards and A. K. Johnson |
| 1:45 PM | 1C.2 | Abundance and distribution of fish eggs and larvae in the Bering Sea during the summers of 2006–2008 Candace Rodgers, NOAA, Dallas, TX |
| 2:00 PM | 1C.3 | Should I stay or should I go?: fish larvae retention in the Hawaiian archipelago Ana Carolina Vaz, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Honolulu, HI; and K. Richards and C. B. Paris |
| 2:15 PM | 1C.4 | Using coded wire tags to assess growth rates of individual grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio Krystle D. Ludwig, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and M. C. Curran and P. P. Pennington |
| 2:30 PM | 1C.5 | Building a house when supplies are limited: Calcification in ion-poor conditions by the freshwater common pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis Sue C. Ebanks, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and M. J. O'Donnell and M. Grosell |
| 1:30 PM-3:10 PM, Thursday Session 1D Climate, Air Quality and Global Change I |
| 1:30 PM | 1D.1 | A Few Thoughts and Updates on Supporting NOAA Air Quality Forecasts Julian Wang, NOAA/ARL, Silver Spring, MD |
| 1:55 PM | 1D.2 | A Product Study of the Reaction of HO2 Radicals with Selected Organic Peroxy Radicals Samuel Hernandez, California State University, Fresno, CA; and S. Singh, Y. Ibarra, S. Cambell, and A. S. Hasson |
| 2:25 PM | 1D.4 | Aerosol Chemistry: Trace gas analysis Ebony D. Roper, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA; and V. R. Morris and E. Joseph |
| 2:40 PM | 1D.5 | Branching ratios and rate coefficients for the reaction of chlorine atoms with butanal, pentanal, methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein Sean Campbell, California State University, Fresno, CA; and S. Singh, S. Hernandez, Y. Ibarra, and A. S. Hasson |
| 3:25 PM-5:05 PM, Thursday Session 2A Weather, Hydrology and Watersheds II |
| 3:25 PM | 2A.1 | Integrated Upper Air Water Vapor Systems Joseph Facundo, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD |
| 3:50 PM | 2A.2 | A study of ocean spray effect on vertical momentum transport in tropical cyclones Yevgenii Rastigejev, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin |
| 4:05 PM | 2A.3 | The Generation, Maintenance and Propagation of the Pre-Helene African Easterly Wave and Mesoscale Convective System over Africa: A Numerical Study and Analysis of the Environment James Spinks, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and G. Tang and Y. L. Lin |
| 4:20 PM | 2A.4 | Using workflows to integrate weather data servers into a web service Alok Hota, NOAA, Nashville, TN |
| 4:35 PM | 2A.5 | Provision of the Optimum Flood Prediction Accuracy and Lead-time Yong Jung, NOAA/ISET/North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin |
| 4:50 PM | 2A.6 | The Effect of Rainfall Events on the Water Quality of the Raritan River Estuary Carissa N. Wilkerson, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and J. D. Vieser, S. Glenn, and R. Chant |
| 3:25 PM-5:05 PM, Thursday Session 2B Remote Sensing and Satellites II |
| 3:25 PM | 2B.1 | Threats to the World's Freshwater: Human Water Security and Biodiversity Perspectives Charles Vörösmarty, NOAA-CREST, New York, NY |
| 3:50 PM | 2B.2 | Modification of Urban Surface Reflection Models with MODIS-AERONET Observations and Validation with High Resolution LANDSAT and HYPERION Imagery Eduardo Hernandez, CUNY Graduate Center and The City College of New York, New York, NY; and A. J. Picon, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed |
| 4:05 PM | 2B.3 | Validation of the water vapor record from the Halogen Occultation Experiment's (HALOE) 4th public data release John Anderson, Hampton Univ., Hampton, VA; and J. M. Russell |
| 4:20 PM | 2B.4 | Formal verification of concurrent aspects in the design of a sensor web Yusef Pogue, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and A. Esterline |
| 4:35 PM | 2B.5 | Vegetation Health Index Algorithm for GOES-R ABI Clement Savadogo, CREST, New York, NY; and A. Rahman, L. Roytman, F. Kogan, and M. Goldberg |
| 4:50 PM | 2B.6 | Uncertainty assessment of remotely sensed data using copulas Amir AghaKouchak, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA |
| 3:25 PM-5:05 PM, Thursday Session 2C Living Marine Resources II |
| 3:25 PM | 2C.1 | From acid rain to ocean acidification: how atmospheric pollutants threaten aquatic resources Charles Jagoe, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL |
| 3:50 PM | 2C.2 | Bacterial symbionts associated with two species of Xestospongia giant barrel sponges Naomi F. Montalvo, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, MD; and R. T. Hill |
| 4:05 PM | 2C.3 | Carbonate chemistry of the Florida reef tract Nancy Muehllehner, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and C. Langdon |
| 4:20 PM | 2C.4 | Microbial community structure in a pulp mill effluent-impacted river Sherilyn Morgan, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL; and H. N. Williams |
| 4:35 PM | 2C.5 | Unprecendented green water intrusions of South American river waters into the Northeastern Caribbean Sea and its implications for fisheries Graciela Garcia-Moliner, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR; and R. A. Armstrong |
| 4:50 PM | 2C.6 | Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Disease Progression in Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis Lonnie C. Gonsalves, NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, Princess Anne, MD; and J. Jacobs and E. B. May |
| 3:25 PM-5:05 PM, Thursday Session 2D Climate, Air Quality and Global Change II |
| 3:25 PM | 2D.1 | Modeling Long Range Transport of Dust from Africa and South America Ariel Stein, NOAA/ERL/ARL, Silver Spring, MD |
| 3:50 PM | 2D.2 | Assessing PM2.5 Concentrations Estimates from Column Optical Depth, Aeronet and Lidar PBL Height Lina Cordero, City College of New York, New York, NY |
| 4:05 PM | 2D.3 | Impacts of Aerosols and Urban Heat Island on Clouds and Precipitation Heather Y. Glickman, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and D. S. Mahani and D. R. Khanbilvardi |
| | 2D.4 | An Investigation of the Impacts of Mineral Dust on Summertime Convection with WRF/Chem V3.1 Karina Apodaca, Howard University, Washington, DC; and M. C. Barth and V. R. Morris |
| 4:20 PM | 2D.5 | Analysis of three channel Lidar data Correlation and its impact on aerosol size characterization of the atmosphere using UPRM Lidar data Mariano Martes, University of Puerto Rico/NOAA/CREST, San Juan, PR; and C. A. Lizarraga and H. Parsiani |
| 4:35 PM | 2D.6 | Aerosol impact on cloud water path Ousmane Sy Savane, New York, NY; and B. Vant-Hull, M. Shayesteh, and R. Khanbilvardi |
| 5:15 PM-6:15 PM, Thursday Poster Session 1 Poster Session I |
| | P1.1 | Mapping Phragmites in St. Jones River Watershed, DE Using AISA images Zhiming Yang, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and A. Anoruo |
| | P1.2 | Study of beds of Ruppia Maritima and Halodule wrigthii at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi Cristina C. Nica, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and H. Cho |
| | P1.3 | Detection of nearly subvisual cirrus clouds impact on the spectral distribution of the infrared radiative cooling of the atmosphere Melissa Ann Yesalusky, Hampton University/CAS, Hampton, VA; and W. L. Smith |
| | P1.4 | Hampton University 48-inch Mie and Raman lidar system Robert Benjamin Lee III, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and M. P. McCormick, K. R. Leavor, and J. Su |
| | P1.5 | Cultural identity: landscape change in the Florida panhandle (Franklin county) Dreamal Worthen, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida; and C. Johnson |
| | P1.6 | Evaluation of the separate and joint effects of PAH and PCB contaminants on Atlantic tomcod Cytochrome 1A1 (CYP1A1) and Cytochrome 19A (CYP19A) genes Adam W. Tulu, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and A. Ishaque, C. Chambers, and R. Jagus |
| | P1.7 | Temperature Dependence Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer Studies of Low-Dimensional Terbium based Compounds for Potential Application in VOC (volatile organic compounds) Detection Nuquie Beedoe, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC |
| | P1.8 | Examining arm regeneration effects on Ophiuroid Amphipholis gracillima when exposed to lowered pH levels Simone Renee' Kilgore, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA |
| | P1.9 | Boundary Layer Heights (BLH) derived from Raman Lidar and Sounding Measurements Micheal Hicks, NCAS, Washington, DC; and M. Adam, T. Dejene, M. Robjohn, B. B. Demoz, J. D. Fuentes, E. Joseph, D. Venable, and R. Connell |
| | P1.10 | Estimating the numbers of fishing vessels with aerial photos-West African Artisanal Fleets Anees Jenee Williams, LMRCSC, Hampton, VA; and D. Die |
| | P1.11 | Understanding the Effects of Aerosols on Cloud Microphysics in Coastal Urban Environments Nathan Hosannah, City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, NY |
| | P1.12 | Application of Remote sensing information for Surface Water change in a tropical basin (Amazon) Marzieh Azarderakhsh, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and W. B. Rossow and F. Papa |
| | P1.13 | PBL Detection Comparison using 2D Operators Galen M. Smith, NOAA/ISET, Greensboro, NC; and S. Bililign, C. M. Gan, Y. Wu, and F. Moshary |
| | P1.14 | trajectory analysis of pollutant gases in NOAA flask samples and HFC–134A as a potential leak indicator Markeata Lee, OAR, Detroit, MI |
| | P1.15 | Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of gold(I) phosphines that may be used for the detection of volatile organic compounds Darkus E. Jenkins, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and D. Ragland and Z. Assefa |
| | P1.16 | An exhaustive database for the development of a Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model over the Caspian and the Baltic Sea Kim Smith, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and M. Temimi, D. R. Khanbilvardi, and P. Romanov |
| | P1.17 | Photoluminescence and energy transfer studies of low-dimensional Tetra Cyanoplatinates and their potential for VOC (volatile organic compounds) detection Carlos Lemarr Crawford Jr., NOAA, Greensboro, NC; and Z. Assefa and N. Beedoe |
| | P1.18 | Characterization of reflectance spectra of phytoplankton cultures: implication of remote sensing of HABs Robert A. Warner, National Ocean Service/NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and C. Fan |
| | P1.19 | Use of the CMAQ and WRF-Chem models to investigate tropospheric ozone in the El Paso-Juarez airshed Juan Gustavo Arias, Univ. of Texas, El Paso, TX; and R. M. Fitzgerald, D. Lu, and W. R. Stockwell |
| | P1.20 | Understanding the internal structure of Tropical Cyclones through synergistic use of Cloud Profiling Radar and Microwave Radiometer data James Rios, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and Z. J. Luo |
| | P1.21 | Condensation particle observations during the PNE/AEROSE 2009 trans-Atlantic mission Jose M. Tirado, Howard University, Silver Spring, MD; and V. Morris |
| | P1.22 | Soil moisture retrieval using an index based approach and passive microwave data from AMSR-E Pradipat Sukumal, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and M. Temimi and R. Khanbilvardi |
| | P1.23 | Analysis of an Adaptative SCS-CN Alvaro Gonzalez, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and M. Temimi |
| | P1.24 | Synthesis, characterization, and photoluminescence properties of europium(III) and phosphine oxides Kendra Whitehead, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Z. Assefa |
| | P1.25 | Lidar Observation of Planetary Boundary Layer Characteristic over Alex Tejada, NOAA/ISET, New York, New York |
| | P1.26 | Global and temporal characterization of cirrus clouds using the CALIPSO data Hovakim Nazaryan, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and M. P. McCormick |
| | P1.27 | Open-Path Quantum Cascade Measurement System Amandeep Singh Chhabra, NOAA-/CREST/City College of New York, New York, NY; and M. Lwin, P. Corrigan, P. Castillo, B. Gross, and F. Moshary |
| | P1.28 | Establishing a Relationship between Aspirated and Non-Aspirated Temperature Sensors in Support of CRN Power Management Aziza Camelia Marchant, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and T. P. Meyers |
| | P1.29 | Observing sea ice concentration in the caspian sea using MSG SEVIRI data Gena Israel, NOAA/CREST/REU, Brooklyn, NY |
| | P1.30 | Diurnal Variations of Optical Depth Observed at AERONET sites Ciara E. Brown, Hampton University, Hampton, VA |
| | P1.31 | Retrieval of Ocean Water Parameters from Satellite Imagery and Their Dependence on Atmospheric Correction Models Rushane D. Dyer, City College of New York, New York, NY; and A. Gilerson and S. Ahmed |
| | P1.32 | Investigation of cirrus clouds using the CALIPSO lidar data Sydney Dianne Paul, Hampton, VA; and H. Nazaryan and M. P. McCormick |
| | P1.33 | Development of a gas-chromatography apparatus to measure the thermal decomposition of CH3C(O)OONO2 (PAN) Christopher T. Ware, NOAA/ERL/ARL, Boulder, CO |
| | P1.34 | Intelligent Sensor Systems for Damage Prevention and Emergency Preparedness Kawana Odessa Fuller, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC |
| | P1.35 | Chemical and bulk sampling during the Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition V (AEROSE V) Christopher Spells, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and D. V. Morris |
| | P1.36 | Use of Satellite Images for Surface Conditions Monitoring in the Upper Mississippi Watershed During the Flood Event of 2008 Ruben Neira, NOAA/CREST/REU, Corona, NY |
| | P1.37 | Using moving averages to detect climate anomalies Kayiita Jeffrey Johnson, NOAA/ISET, Minneapolis, MN; and M. Steinbach and V. Kumar |
| | P1.38 | Atmospheric Aerosol Monitoring of Particulate Matters in the Washington DC Airshed Esther B. Effiong, Washington, DC; and V. Morris, D. Raghavan, and C. Hosten |
| | P1.39 | Clustering Locations based on Historical Weather Data Robert Olabode, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; and M. Steinbach and V. Kumar |
| | P1.40 | The New York City meteorological network (NYC MetNet) Fausto Hernandez, NOAA/ISET, New York, NY; and M. Arend, F. Moshary, S. Ahmed, and T. Legbandt |
| | P1.41 | Measuring the 5νOH stretch absorption cross section of acetic acid and peracetic acid by cavity ringdown spectroscopy Israel G. Begashaw, Greensboro, NC; and M. Collingwood and S. Bililign |
| | P1.42 | Size characteristics and chemical attributes of aerosol at Howard University's Beltsville Campus Jane V. Skalski, Howard University, Beltsville, MD; and J. D. Fuentes, W. R. Stockwell, and B. B. Demoz |
| | P1.43 | Characterization of oxidized volatile organic compounds using proton transfer reaction time-of-flight (PTR-ToF) mass spectrometry and ion/molecule reactions Marc N. Fiddler, NCAT, Greensboro, NC; and A. K. Cochran and S. Bililign |
| | P1.44 | Study of Tropical Upper-Tropospheric Water Vapor Using ISCCP and MOZAIC Cheila E. Benavides, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY |
| | P1.45 | Analysis of Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements of Aerosols and Ozone in Greensboro, NC: Study on the Disturbances in Air Quality and Climate Katif A. Peay, NOAA, Greensboro, Guilford County |
| | P1.46 | Application of genomic method for the detection and identification of airborne microbial DNA Maria A. Velez Quinones, Howard University, Washington, DC; and D. V. Morris and K. E. Nelson |
| | P1.47 | Particle Size Distributions Observed During the AEROSE V Campaign Mariana Guereque, University of Texas, El Paso, TX; and L. Padilla, R. M. Fitzgerald, V. R. Morris, and T. E. Gill |
| | P1.48 | Relationship of LCLU and SSTs in Tropical Islands Alex DJ Miranda, NOAA, New York, NY; and J. E. González |
| | P1.49 | Evaluation of Benthic Diatoms as Water Quality Indicators in the Blackbird Creek Watershed, Delaware Amanda Pappas, Delaware State University/NOAA/ECSU, Dover, DE; and G. Ozbay, K. Lee, B. Reining, A. Ko, and K. Coyne |
| | P1.50 | Tracing Pre-Tropical Cyclone African Easterly Wave-Mesoscale Convective Systems over African Continent DeLonte Duff, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin |
| | P1.51 | Sorption capacity of lead on soil mixture according to the composition of Saharan dust Sunyoung Bae, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and C. Simpson |
| | P1.52 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Water Quality in Silver Lake, Delaware Melissa Schutte, Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware; and M. Guo |
| | P1.53 | Predicting the strength of tropical cyclone seasons using clustering and linear regression Caitlin M. Race, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; and M. Steinbach and V. Kumar |
| | P1.54 | Improving the Skill of the NWS's Total Water Level Forecast System Rosimar Rios-Berrios, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, PR; and A. A. Taylor |
| | P1.55 | Relationships between soil moisture surface energy budget and boundary layer cloud development over United States Mid-Atlantic region Cassie A. Stearns, Howard University, Beltsville, MD; and E. Joseph, J. D. Fuentes, M. Robjohn, G. A. Davis, T. Dejene, F. Nzeffe, and M. Adam |
| | P1.56 | Ground validation efforts at Howard University's Beltsville campus for NASAs Global Precipitation Measurement mission Gino A. Davis, Howard University, Washington, DC; and E. Joseph, B. B. Demoz, and A. Tokay |
| | P1.57 | Multiyear observations and data collection of links between hydrological inputs and glacier velocity in a small temperate glacier in southeastern Alaska Nicholas M. Korzen, University of Alaska, Juneau, AK; and M. Habermann, M. Heavner, E. Hood, R. Fatland, and C. Connor |
| | P1.58 | Genotyping of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Megalopae in the Beaufort Inlet Vincent J. Dominique III, Auburn University, Auburn, AL; and A. Place, E. Williams, and D. Forward |
| | P1.59 | Understanding Extreme Hydrologic Events in the Caribbean Lilybeth Colon, NOAA/CREST and CUNY Environmental Cross-Roads Initiative Center, New York, NY; and C. Vörösmarty, T. Lakhankar, and B. Fekete |
| | P1.60 | Comparison of Pyrolysis and Microwave Acid Digestion Techniques for the Determination of Mercury in Biological and Environmental Materials Samuel Melaku, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA; and I. Gelaude, F. Vanhaecke, L. Moens, and R. Dams |
Friday, 13 November 2009 |
| 8:30 AM-10:10 AM, Friday Session 3A Weather, Hydrology and Watersheds III |
| 8:30 AM | 3A.1 | Origin of the Pre-Tropical Storm Debby (2006) African Easterly Wave-Mesoscale Convective System Yuh-Lang Lin, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and G. Tang, J. Spinks, and W. Jones |
| | 3A.2 | The boreal spring variability of the Intra-Americas low-level jet and its relation with precipitation and tornadoes in the eastern United States Ernesto Muñoz, NOAA/AOML, Miami, FL; and D. B. Enfield |
| 8:55 AM | 3A.3 | The Impact of Variational Assimilation of Quikscat Satellite Observations on Hurricane Ike 2008 Simulation Duanjun Lu, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and R. S. Reddy and Q. L. Williams |
| 9:10 AM | 3A.4 | Numerical Simulation on Indirect Effects of Saharan Air Layer Dust on Tropical Deep Convection Wei Gong, SUNY, Albany, NY; and Q. Min and R. Li |
| 9:25 AM | 3A.5 | Passage of Tropical Cyclones over Mountainous Islands—Part I: Control Experiment Ian C. Colon-Pagan, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin, Y. H. Kuo, and S. E. Koch |
| 9:40 AM | 3A.6 | Effects of Sea Surface Temperature distributions on Tropical Cyclone intensification Yaw Kyei, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin and G. Tang |
| 8:30 AM-10:10 AM, Friday Session 3B Remote Sensing and Satellites III |
| 8:30 AM | 3B.1 | The NOAA Aerosols and Ocean Expedition Nicholas Nalli, NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD |
| 8:55 AM | 3B.2 | Soil Moisture and Droughts in Africa Gilbert Fahnbulleh, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY |
| 9:10 AM | 3B.3 | Detecting cloud vertical structures from photon path lengths distribution Siwei Li, SUNY, Albany, NY; and Q. Min |
| 9:25 AM | 3B.4 | Polar stratospheric cloud observations from CALIPSO Michael T. Hill, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and M. P. McCormick |
| 9:40 AM | 3B.5 | Multiangular and Hyperspectral Characteristics of Polarized Light Field in Case 2 Waters Amir Ibrahim, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and A. Tonizzo |
| 9:55 AM | 3B.6 | Integrating the Sensor Web Enablement initiative into a smart sensor web William Wright, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and A. Esterline |
| 8:30 AM-10:10 AM, Friday Session 3C Living Marine Resources III |
| 8:30 AM | 3C.1 | Salinity preference and swimming activity of the gray snapper Lutjanus griseus Xaymara Serrano, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and D. Die, M. Grosell, and J. Serafy |
| 8:45 AM | 3C.2 | Immunomodulation in Eastern Oysters Following Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons April N. Croxton, Tallahassee, FL; and G. H. Wikfors and R. D. Gragg |
| 9:00 AM | 3C.3 | Extracting habitat features from hyperspectral imagery of the Duplin River watershed at the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve John Schalles, Creighton University, Omaha, NE; and C. Hladik, S. Pennings, M. Steele, and A. Lynes |
| 9:15 AM | 3C.4 | Dietary habits of selected species of fish resident or transitory to the maryland coastal bays and their importance to understanding food webs Reginald Black, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD |
| 9:30 AM | 3C.5 | A molecular tool for environmental monitoring of Hematodinium sp., a lethal parasite of blue crab Ammar Hanif, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute/Center of Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, MD; and J. R. Donaldson, J. S. Pitula, G. A. Messick, D. McIntosh, R. Jagus, and E. J. Schott |
| 9:45 AM | 3C.6 | Interannual site fidelity of sand tigers (Carcharias taurus) to Delaware Bay Johnny E. Moore, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and D. A. Fox, B. M. Wetherbee, and C. T. McCandless |
| 8:30 AM-10:15 AM, Friday Session 3D Climate, Air Quality and Global Change III |
| 8:30 AM | 3D.1 | Development of Negative ion proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (NI-PTR TOF MS) for the measurement of gas phase acids in the troposphere Anthony K. Cochran, NCAT, Greensboro, NC; and S. Bililign, C. Melvin, and M. Fiddler |
| 8:45 AM | 3D.2 | An Air Quality Proving Ground (AQPG) for GOES-R Raymond Hoff, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; and S. A. Christopher, F. Moshary, S. Kondragunta, and R. B. Pierce |
| 9:00 AM | 3D.3 | The OMPS Limb Profiler ozone and aerosol profile retrieval algorithms Robert Loughman, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and D. F. Rault, G. Taha, J. Li, T. Zhu, and A. E. Bourassa |
| 9:15 AM | 3D.4 | Climatology Study of African Easterly Wave and Mesoscale Convective System in Northern Africa Wilson Jones, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and G. Tang and Y. L. Lin |
| 9:30 AM | 3D.5 | Global climatology of the planetary boundary layer inversions Angelica M. Betancourt-Negron, NOAA/ERL/ARL, Silver Spring, MD; and D. Seidel |
| 9:45 AM | 3D.6 | Evaluation of traffic related air pollution in Istanbul, Turkey Omar Alagha, Fatih University, Buyukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey; and I. Anil and F. Karaca |
| 10:00 AM | 3D.7 | Origins of the Caribbean Rainfall Bimodal Behavior Moisés E. Angeles, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR; and J. E. Gonzalez, N. D. Ramirez-Beltran, C. A. Tepley, and D. E. Comarazamy |
| 10:25 AM-12:00 PM, Friday Session 4A Coastal Areas, Wetlands and Oceans |
| 10:25 AM | 4A.1 | Using a box model to examine large-scale spatial and temporal patterns in harmful algal blooms for the Potomac River estuary Amy Drohan, Morgan State University, St. Leonard, MD; and J. Anderson |
| 10:40 AM | 4A.2 | Taking back Wetlands Courtney McGeachy, NOAA, VA; and W. Priest |
| 10:55 AM | 4A.3 | Nannochloropsis oceanica growth optimization study: nitrogen source and concentration Symone Johnson, Center of Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, MD; and R. Cluster |
| 11:10 AM | 4A.4 | The Effects of an Alien Invasive Alga on Sediment Retention and Resuspension in Coastal Hawaiian Waters and the Influence of Community Based Restoration Jonathan A. Martinez, NOAA, Honolulu, HI; and E. Wolanski and R. H. Richmond |
| 11:25 AM | 4A.5 | Impact of dissolved organic matter (DOM) availability on bacterial community succession over a tidal cycle in Apalachicola Bay, FL Jennifer Cherrier, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL; and A. Chauhan |
| 11:40 AM | 4A.6 | COSEE - Coastal Trends Science-Educator Program---Enhancing the Understanding of Dynamic Coastal Trends Maryse Leandre, Hampton University, Hampton, VA |
| 10:25 AM-12:05 PM, Friday Session 4B Remote Sensing and Satellites IV |
| 10:25 AM | 4B.1 | Observing Sea Ice Changes from Space Pablo Clemente-Colón, National Ice Center/NOAA/NSOF, Washington, DC |
| 10:50 AM | 4B.2 | Validating satellite sea surface temperature measurements for coral reef environment monitoring using in-situ observations Wilsharo D. Scott, NOAA/NESDIS, Old Hickory, TN |
| 11:05 AM | 4B.3 | Differential O2 Absorption Barometric Pressure Radar (DIAR_BAR): Improvements in tropical storm forecasts Qilong Min, SUNY, Albany, NY; and B. Lin, Y. Hu, W. Gong, S. Harrah, R. Lawrence, and D. Fralick |
| 11:20 AM | 4B.4 | Better Understanding of Land Surface Emissivity Map from passive microwave data Hamidreza Norouzi, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and M. Temimi, D. R. Khanbilvardi, and M. Azarderakhsh |
| 11:35 AM | 4B.5 | Local oscillator power optimization for all-fiber coherent Doppler LIDAR wind sensing system Sameh Abdelazim, City College of New York, New York, NY; and D. Santoro, M. Arend, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed |
| 11:50 AM | 4B.6 | Applications of advanced underwater robotics and imaging sensors in coral reef research Roy A. Armstrong, NCAS, Lajas, PR |
| 10:25 AM-12:00 PM, Friday Session 4C Living Marine Resources IV |
| | 4C.1 | Latitudinal variation in habitat and fish assemblages in the Mid-Atlantic Bight based on NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center 2006 to 2009 winter cruises Eric May, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and V. Guida and P. Chigbu |
| 10:25 AM | 4C.2 | Cool experiences doing Cold water research : What's happening in Alaska? Rebecca F. Reuter, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Seattle, WA |
| 10:55 AM | 4C.3 | Observations of the egg cases from the holopelagic polychaete family: Tomopteridae Kayelyn R. Simmons, Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC), Hampton, VA |
| 11:20 AM | 4C.4 | Seasonal variation in total dietary fiber content of Delmarva seaweed Keya J. Jackson, Columbia, SC; and M. L. Madden |
| 11:45 AM | 4C.5 | Socio-economic vulnerability of African Americans to hurricanes in the Gulf States Tanveerul Islam, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL; and A. Marshall, E. Johnson, and L. Robinson |
| 10:25 AM-12:05 PM, Friday Session 4D Ecosystems |
| 10:25 AM | 4D.1 | Hatch timing, climate change, and reproductive strategies of decapod crustaceans Bradley G. Stevens , University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD |
| 10:50 AM | 4D.2 | Environmental stressors on Saginaw Bay Kamau Bakari Mbalia, OAR, Ann Arbor, MI |
| 11:05 AM | 4D.3 | Assessment of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in U.S. Coastal Waters and Great Lakes Courtney D. Jones, Environmental Entrepreneurship, Savannah, GA; and D. A. Apeti, K. L. Kimbrough, and E. Johnson |
| 11:20 AM | 4D.4 | Dynamics contributing to PCB congener accumulation in striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic coastal waters William D. Gardner, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and A. Deshpande and E. May |
| 11:35 AM | 4D.5 | Documenting habitat use and residency of adult Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) in Delaware Bay through passive acoustic telemetry Jennifer L. Hampton, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and D. A. Fox and L. M. Brown |
| 11:50 AM | 4D.6 | Derivation of a GIS-based watershed-scale conceptual model for the St. Jones River, Delaware from habitat-scale conceptual models Michael A. Reiter, Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach, FL; and M. Saintil, Z. Yang, and D. Pokrajac |
| 1:45 PM-3:40 PM, Friday Session 5A Weather, Hydrology and Watersheds IV |
| 1:45 PM | 5A.1 | Weather and Climate Observations Facilities at Beltsville Campus of Howard University Everette Joseph, Howard University, Washington, DC |
| 2:10 PM | 5A.2 | Modeling hurricane effects on zooplankton production using a simple NPZ numerical model Eric Davenport, Morgan State University, Saint Leonard, MD; and J. Anderson and C. Fan |
| 2:25 PM | 5A.3 | Climatology and scenarios of landfalling Texas hurricanes: 1851–2006 Tanveerul Islam, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL |
| 2:40 PM | 5A.4 | Effects of orography and sea surface temperature on the cyclogenesis of tropical storm Debby (2006) John Paul Roop, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and G. Tang and Y. L. Lin |
| 2:55 PM | 5A.5 | Moisture and Orographic Effects on the Evolution of African Easterly Waves-Mesoscale Convective Systems Guoqing Tang, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin, J. Spinks, and W. Jones |
| 3:10 PM | 5A.6 | Sensitivity of WRF-Chem simulated Saharan Dust to Tropical Cyclone Debby 2006 Sunyoung Bae, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC; and G. Tang, Y. L. Lin, and J. P. Roop |
| 3:25 PM | 5A.7 | The Relationship Between Air-Sea Interactions and Tropical Cyclone Intensity Associated with the 2006 AMMA Field Experiment Jamese D. Sims, Howard University, Washington DC, and NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB, Camp Springs, MD; and G. Jenkins and R. Grumbine |
| 1:45 PM-3:35 PM, Friday Session 5B Remote Sensing and Satellites V |
| 1:45 PM | 5B.1 | The trans-Atlantic AERosol and Oceanographic Science Expedition (AEROSE) Ibrahim Siddo, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY |
| 2:00 PM | 5B.2 | Multi-sources precipitation estimates Kibrewossen Tesfagiorgis, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and S. Mahani, R. Khanbilvardi, and D. Kitzmiller |
| 2:15 PM | 5B.3 | Recent Advances by CCNY in Bio-optical Retrievals and Cal/val in Coastal Waters Sam Ahmed, City College of the City University of NY, New York, NY |
| 2:30 PM | 5B.4 | Snowfall Rate Estimation using Remotely Sensed Multi-Spectral Microwave Information Cecilia Hernandez, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and S. Mahani and R. Khanbilvardi |
| 2:45 PM | 5B.5 | Inversion of Remote Sensing Reflectance by Modeling the Spectral Beam Attenuation in Northeast Coast Area Weiming Zheng, CREST, New York, NY |
| 3:00 PM | 5B.6 | Field Spectroscopy of Benthic Habitats in the Grand Bay NERR Drew Seminara, Creighton University, Omaha, NE; and P. Merani and J. Schalles |
| 3:15 PM | 5B.7 | Structural Indexing of DMSP satellite images Mohamed Gebril, North Carolina A&T state university, Greensboro, NC; and H. Abdollah |
| 1:45 PM-3:35 PM, Friday Session 5C Living Marine Resources V |
| | 5C.1 | Occurrence of triclosan in plasma of wild Atlantic bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and their environment Natasha D. Henry, NOAA, Charleston, SC; and P. A. Fair, H. B. Lee, J. Adams, C. Darling, G. Pacepavicius, M. Alaee, G. Bossart, and D. Muir |
| 1:45 PM | 5C.2 | Now we detect them, now we don't; sandbar shark core habitat areas in Delaware Bay Naeem A. Willett, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and D. Fox and B. Wetherbee |
| 2:00 PM | 5C.3 | Combining telemetry and mark-recapture methods to study the population dynamics of American Eels in Delaware Marissa G. Brady, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and P. B. Conn, L. L. Bailey, K. W. Shertzer, and D. A. Fox |
| 2:15 PM | 5C.4 | Comparative feeding ecology and allometric growth of two spatially co-existing penaeid shrimps in Sofala bank fishery (central Mozambique) Atanasio Brito, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL |
| 2:30 PM | 5C.6 | Collection and transportation of young of the year weakfish for use in laboratory experiments Michael Cinelli, NOAA, Dover, DE; and D. McIntosh |
| 1:45 PM-3:35 PM, Friday Session 5D Environmental Education and Literacy I |
| 1:45 PM | 5D.1 | Connecting knowledge, belief and action: Environmental autobiographies as a pedagogical tool for environmental literacy Marcia Allen Owens, ECSC, Tallahassee, FL |
| 2:10 PM | 5D.2 | The AMS Education Program: Working to Promote Scientific Literacy in the Public James A. Brey, American Meteorological Society, Washington, DC; and I. W. Geer, J. M. Moran, R. S. Weinbeck, E. W. Mills, B. A. Blair, E. J. Hopkins, T. P. Kiley, E. E. Ruwe, and E. Gracey-Miller |
| 2:35 PM | 5D.3 | Teaching Environmental Entrepreneurship Jonatan Jelen, The New School,, New York, NY; and A. Scott and K. R. Foster |
| 2:50 PM | 5D.4 | Web-based scientific and outreach tools for geographic data dissemination William J. Hernandez, NCAS, Lajas, PR; and R. A. Armstrong |
| 3:05 PM | 5D.5 | Formative evaluation of student personal outcomes and experiences to measure the effectiveness of Marine Science training programs for underrepresented groups Nadia Meyers, Savannah State University , Savannah, GA |
| 3:20 PM | 5D.6 | Assessing environmental literacy through the implementation of the Florida department of environmental protection's learning in Florida's environment (LIFE) program Rhianna M. Neely, Environmental Cooperative Science Center, Tallahassee, FL; and M. A. Owens |
| 3:50 PM-5:00 PM, Friday Poster Session 2 Poster Session II |
| | P2.1 | EEP High School Science Pipeline Geo-Explorers at Universidad del Turabo: Learning and Teaching the Business of Science – Lessons Learned Antonio Gonzalez Toro, Universidad del Turabo, Gurabo, PR; and T. Lipsett |
| | P2.2 | Risk Assessment for Weather Based Accidents Charla Gaskins, Greensboro, NC; and Y. L. Lin and E. U. Nzewi |
| | P2.3 | Characterization of aerosols in the El Paso-Juarez airshed using the TUV model in conjunction with Multi-Filter Rotating Shadow Band Radiometers Richard Medina Calderon, University of Texas, EL Paso, TX; and D. R. M. Fitzgerald and T. E. Gill |
| | P2.4 | Business Plan for a Commercially Viable Coastline Friendly Black Sea Bass Marirculture Operation Matilda Young, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; and A. Shannon, T. Heath, J. Goodnight, C. Ingram, K. Brinkley, and R. Lee |
| | P2.5 | Technical Considerations Towards the Development of a Commercially Viable Black Sea Bass Mariculture Operation Diamond Carr, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA; and J. Ross, C. West, T. Heath, A. Shannon, C. Ingram, K. Brinkley, and R. Lee |
| | P2.6 | Elevated Upper Tropospheric Ozone by Deep Convection during the 2006 Ron Brown Cruise Jonathan Smith, Howard University, Washington, DC; and G. S. Jenkins, M. C. Barth, and K. E. Pickering |
| | P2.7 | Ship Based Observation of Ozone in the Tropical Mid-Troposphere During AEROSE 2009 Lily Udumukwu, Howard University, Washington, DC; and E. Joseph, N. R. Nalli, and V. R. Morris |
| | P2.8 | Stock discrimination of American Monkfish Northwest Atlantic Using Mitochondrial DNA Belita S. Nguluwe, NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC), Princess Anne, MD; and D. A. K. Johnson, E. Williams, D. J. Carlin, D. A. Richards, and D. A. Place |
| | P2.9 | Using the TUV model and the EPIRM model in conjunction with MFRSR irradiance data to retrieve single scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter and aerosol size distribution in the El Paso-Juarez airshed Angel E. Esparza, Univ. of Texas, El Paso, TX; and R. Medina-Calderon, R. M. Fitzgerald, and J. Polanco |
| | P2.10 | Identification of PCB enhanced microbial consortium from estuarine and freshwater sediments that undergo selective reductive dechlorination through Aroclor™ stimulation Kathleen Gillespie, Center of Marine Biotechnology/University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, MD |
| | P2.11 | Determination of a Plant Protein Diet for a Marine Fish Gordon R. Taylor, LMRCSC, Oxford, PA; and A. Watson and A. Place PhD. |
| | P2.12 | Sex Ratios as a Function of Size in Crassostrea Virginica Judith Sarkodee-Adoo, NOAA, Tallahassee, FL |
| | P2.13 | Investigating the spatial distribution of Actinomycete bacteria in the Indonesian Sponge, Aaptos aaptos Damian Marcus Smoot, LMRCSC, Towson, MD; and M. Anderson and R. T. Hill |
| | P2.14 | Diet analysis of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus from the Northwest Florida Panhandle in relation to a red tide Karenia brevis bloom Sabrina R. Bowen, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and T. Cox |
| | P2.15 | Accessing chronic and acute toxicity in the benthic amphipod, Leptocheirus plumulosus, using the brominated flame retardant 2–2'-4–4' Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) and the insecticide Fipronil LaTrisha E. Allen, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA |
| | P2.16 | Effects of Malathion on Petrolisthes armatus Tiffany Ann Ward, NOAA, Savannah, GA |
| | P2.17 | Examination of the Microbial Communities Associated with Oyster Larvae Treated with Probiotic Bacteria in the Absence and Presence of a Bacterial Pathogen Oluchi Ukaegbu, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and D. McIntosh, D. Kapareiko, G. H. Wikfors, E. Schott, and H. J. Schreier |
| | P2.18 | Biochemical and Molecular Analysis of Bacteria Used in Protecting Oyster Larvae from Pathogenic Bacteria in Hatchery Culture Jessica M. Rash, Delaware State University, Dover, DE; and D. McIntosh, D. Kapareiko, G. H. Wikfors, E. Schott, and H. J. Schreier |
| | P2.19 | Acoustic Telemetry used to track red snapper, gag grouper, red grouper, and scamp grouper in particular areas of Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Catherine J. Carroll, Living Marine Resources Coorperative Science Center (LMRCSC), Garden CIty, GA; and K. Ludwig |
| | P2.20 | A Baseline Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Trends of Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances in the Apalachicola River and Bay Adesuwa Erhunse, Florida A&M University, Tallahasee, FL; and D. Alvarez, Ph.D, R. Gale, Ph.D, R. D. Gragg III, Ph.D, and L. Robinson, Ph.D |
| | P2.21 | Physiological effects of hypoxia on Atlantic croaker Jamila Dawn Payton, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and A. K. Johnson, P. Bushnell, and R. Brill |
| | P2.22 | A comparison of inorganic carbon dynamics in two subtropical estuaries during spring floods: Apalachicola Bay, FL, and St. Joseph Bay, FL Stacy Smith, Environmental Cooperative Science Center, Tallahassee, FL; and J. Cherrier and J. Sarkodee-Adoo |
| | P2.23 | Distribution of Fishes in Hudson Canyon and adjoining Outer Continental Shelf in relation to Benthic Habitat Type and Hydrography Jacklyn C. James, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and V. Guida and P. Chigbu |
| | P2.24 | Sedimentation and Landscape Changes in a Dynamic Coastal Salt Marsh, Fort Pulaski National Monument, Savannah, Georgia Amy Rath, Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, Fairbanks, AK; and C. Pride |
| | P2.25 | Nest microhabitat characterization and nest site selection by Mississippi diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin pileata) at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), Mississippi Christina F. Mohrman, Environmental Cooperative Science Center, Moss Point, MS; and R. Cooley and M. S. Woodrey |
| | P2.26 | An Investigation of Urban-Runoff as a Source of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds to Santa Monica Bay in Southern California Benji Macaulay, California State University, Los Angeles, CA; and M. Shah, R. Montes, H. Pech, and K. L. Foster PhD. |
| | P2.27 | Ecotoxicity and Risk Assessment of Mercury in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve Melanie McHenry-Johnson, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and P. Tchounwou, Z. Arslan, Y. Anjaneyulu, W. McHenry, and S. Kishinhi |
| | P2.28 | Molecular Approach for Targeting Specific Fecal Contamination in the Grand Bay Stephen S. Kishinhi, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS; and P. B. Tchounwou, I. O. Farah, K. Ndebele, B. Graham-Evans, and M. McHenry-Johnson |
| | P2.29 | Estimation of fecundity and oocyte measurements in Lophius americanus using Image J image analysis software Samara Lawrentz, Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, Princess Anne, MD; and A. K. Johnson and R. McBride |
| | P2.30 | Monitoring Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals using LIBS J. Branch Jr., Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL; and J. Martinez, C. Akpovo, C. Jagoe, E. Johnson, and L. Johnson |
| | P2.31 | Comparison of GPS dropsondes between developing and non-developing disturbances in the Atlantic Diamilet Pérez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR; and S. S. Chen |
| | P2.32 | Analysis of air transport patterns bringing dust storms to El Paso, Texas Nancy Ivette Rivera Rivera, University of Texas, El Paso, TX; and T. E. Gill, K. A. Gebhart, J. L. Hand, R. M. Fitzgerald, and D. J. Novlan |
| | P2.33 | Modeling Optical Properties of Aerosols Using Microphysical Retrievals from Air Quality Models Gary F. Bouton, NOAA, New York, NY |
| | P2.34 | Monitoring the Progression of the Northeast MFRSR Network Using the NASA-GISS Calibration Algorithm to Obtain Aerosol Products Ryan Jaipaul, NOAA, Richmond Hill, NY |
| | P2.35 | Investigating Uptake and Colonization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Relation to Phytoplankton Presence Keyana Dickens, Delaware State University/NOAA/ECSU, Dover, DE; and G. Richards, M. Watson, and G. Ozbay |
| | P2.36 | Quantification of human-interactions with bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the waterways of Savannah, Georgia Robin M. Perrtree, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and S. Todd and T. Cox |
| | P2.37 | The Use of Probiotics to Improve the Survival and Growth Rate of Cobia Larvae Michele N. Thompson, LMRCSC, Parkesburg, PA; and D. A. Place and A. Watson |
| | P2.38 | Habitat Use by Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in waters around Savannah, Georgia USA Michael Knowles, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and T. Cox |
| | P2.39 | Helping to Solve Drought with the Open Geospatial Consortium Sensor Observation Service Cheickna Baber, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and M. J. Brewer |
| | P2.40 | Design and testing of a system to digitally record endogenous activity rhythms of postlarval and juvenile Penaeid shrimp Matthew B. Ogburn, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and R. T. Greer and F. Balbuena |
| | P2.41 | The Applicability of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing in Identifying Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) sources using NOAA National Status and Trends Mussel Watch Program Data Patrina L. Bly, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, NC; and M. A. Edwards |
| | P2.42 | Application of WRF to investigate the moisture regime associated with the preonset of Sahelian rains Roberto J. Mera, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC; and F. H. M. Semazzi |
| | P2.43 | Vizualization of Weather Using Google Earth Richard L. Messick, NOAA/ERL/CDC, Greensboro, NC; and D. Y. Li |
| | P2.44 | Use of Garcinia sp. seed extracts as dietary supplement to promote growth and control fish diseases Tedra Booker, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and P. Chigbu and S. Parveen |
| | P2.45 | First look at forecasters experiences with high-temporal resolution Phased Array Radar data: An evaluation research study Cristal A. Sampson, NOAA, New York, NY; and D. LaDue and P. L. Heinselman |
| | P2.46 | NOAA's Preserve America Initiative: Unlocking the history of African-Americans in Georgia's coastal fisheries D. L. Hoskins, NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center, Savannah, GA |
| | P2.47 | A PCR-based assay for detection of Hematodinium sp. in Sediment from The Maryland Coastal Bays Whitney E. Dyson, University of Maryland Eastern Shore/LMRCSC, Princess Anne, MD; and E. Schott, J. S. Pitula, and A. Hanif |
| | P2.48 | Coral connectivity between deep and shallow sites in the tropical western Atlantic (Caribbean): Deep water refugia as potential sources of replenishment following coral bleaching Xaymara Serrano, Univ. of Miami/RSMAS, Miami, FL; and A. Baker |
| | P2.49 | The NOAA Living Marine Resource Cooperative Science Center annual winter cruises: a mechanism for student training in fisheries research techniques Todd Christenson, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD; and E. May |
| | P2.50 | Incidence of Mycobacteriosis in Young of the Year Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) from the Chesapeake Bay Elizabeth M. Bennett, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute/Center of Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, MD; and L. C. Gonsalves, E. B. May, and R. Jagus |
| | P2.51 | Automatic analysis of volcanic emissions using multiple satellites Kevin R. Leavor, Hampton University, Hampton, VA; and M. P. McCormick |
| | P2.52 | Investigating the of Aerosol Optical Properties by using the handheld Sunphotometer Microtops II during PNE/AEROSE-V Adrian Flores, NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Washington, DC; and E. Joseph, N. R. Nalli, and V. Morris |
| | P2.53 | ISETCSC summer high school student camp and earth science teacher workshop Keith Schimmel, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC; and S. Bililign, K. Eckersley, and A. Abraha |
| | P2.54 | Simultaneous retrievals of cloud optical depth and effective radius from Thin-Cloud Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (TCRSR) Bangshen Yin, SUNY, Albany, NY; and Q. Min |
| | P2.55 | Photon path length distributions and broadband heating rate profiles Lei Song, SUNY, Albany, NY; and Q. Min |
| | P2.56 | A robust neural Network ensemble approach for snowfall detection using AMSU data Yajaira Mejia, NOAA/CREST at City College of New York, New York, NY; and M. Shayesteh and R. Khanbilvardi |
| | P2.57 | UPRM Lidar Raman and Polarization Channel Expansion and Data Analysis Carl Allen Lizarraga, University of Puerto Rico/NOAA/CREST, San Juan, PR; and H. Parsiani |
| | P2.58 | Validation of UPRM Lidar with Calipso Dolly Hernandez, University of Puerto Rico/NOAA/CREST, San Juan, PR |
| | P2.59 | Atmospheric Processing for MASTER Imagery using Chemical Transport Models and MODTRAN4 Yaítza Luna-Cruz, NCAS, Washington, DC; and D. S. Tkacik and N. Clinton |
| | P2.60 | Testing and Calibration Scenarios of a Hydrodynamic Model of Mosquito Lagoon, Florida Jo-Ann Rosario-Llantin, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL; and G. Zarillo |
| | P2.61 | Trans-Atlantic transport of Saharan dust aerosols: aerosol mass densities obtained during AEROSE-V Adam A. Atia, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and D. V. R. Morris and D. R. Blake |
| | P2.62 | Bacterial symbionts of a marine invertebrate as sources of anticancer compounds Jeanette Davis, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, MD; and R. T. Hill |
Saturday, 14 November 2009 |
| 8:30 AM-10:15 AM, Saturday Session 6A Environmental Education and Literacy II |
| 8:30 AM | 6A.1 | Lessons learnt from Remote Sensing Science and Education Training for K-20 Shakila Merchant , NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and R. Khanbilvardi |
| 8:55 AM | 6A.2 | Mixing Water and Electricity: Hydropower Kendyl Elizabeth Crawford, NOAA, Hampton, Virginia |
| 9:10 AM | 6A.3 | Puerto Rico Weather Camp: A summer experience to build knowledge in tropical meteorology, atmospheric sciences, and oceanography Yasmín Detrés, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico; and R. A. Armstrong |
| 9:25 AM | 6A.4 | Using fisheries science in K-12 activities Mary Carla Curran, Savannah State University, Savannah, GA; and K. M. Hoover |
| | 6A.5 | LectureTools: An Advanced "Clicker" System for the Geosciences Perry J. Samson, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |
| 9:40 AM | 6A.6 | Observing at the Mesoscale: What Role Can the EPP Cooperative Centers Play in Answering Questions Asked by the National Academy Raymond M. Hoff, Univ. of Maryland/CREST, Baltimore, MD |
| 8:30 AM-10:15 AM, Saturday Session 6B Social Science |
| 8:30 AM | 6B.1 | Hurricane Katrina Case in New Orleans: National Weather Service Environmental Risk Across Cultures Vankita Brown, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD |
| 8:55 AM | 6B.2 | Determining the Potential Environmental Impacts of Offshore Renewable Energy Development Lorielle Nicole Jackson, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD |
| 9:20 AM | 6B.3 | News Media, Black Women, and Hurricane Katrina: Comparing Localized Content to Local Perceptions Candace M. Calloway, Howard University, Washington, DC |
| 9:45 AM | 6B.4 | Policy response to erosion through construction permitting near the Apalachicola National Estuarine Reserve Ariana J. Marshall, Environmental Cooperative Science Center, Tallahassee, FL; and L. Robinson Ph.D |
| 10:00 AM | 6B.5 | The Impact of Environmental Degradation on Economic Development Opportunities: A GIS-Based Examination of Planning Issues in a Coastal City Kasim Sheron Ortiz, Environmental Entrepreneurship, Savannah, GA |
| 8:30 AM-10:15 AM, Saturday Session 6C Remote Sensing and Satellites VI |
| 8:30 AM | 6C.1 | Hunting Poisonous Planktons from Space Ruhul Amin, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY; and J. Zhou, A. Gilerson, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed |
| 8:45 AM | 6C.2 | Visual Analytics using Google Earth NOAA Scientific Cruise Data Tammy C. Morrison, NOAA/ISET, Greensboro, NC; and A. Esterline |
| 9:00 AM | 6C.3 | Progress in Synthesis, Characterization, Spectroscopic of Vapoluminescent materials for VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) Detection Zerihun Assefa, NCAT, Greensboro, NC; and D. E. Jenkins, N. Beedoe, C. Crawford, and K. Whitehead |
| 9:15 AM | 6C.4 | Time series analysis of aerosol optical thickness and chlorophyll concentration in the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea using satellite data Aurora M. Justiniano, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR; and R. Armstrong and Y. Detrés |
| 9:30 AM | 6C.5 | Variability of Worldwide Cloud Cover Alma Cabral Reynoso, NOAA/CREST, New York, NY |
| 9:45 AM | 6C.6 | Retrieving microwave land surface emissivity and vegetation index using TRMM multi-sensor products R. Li, SUNY, Albany, NY; and Q. Min and B. Lin |
| 10:00 AM | 6C.7 | Use of Reconnaissance Aircraft Data in Estimating Hurricane Intensity Nipun Aggarwal, NOAA, New York, NY; and J. Jeyaratnam and Z. J. Luo |