Sunday, 20 January 2008 |
| 7:30 AM-9:30 AM, Sunday Short Course Registration |
| 9:00 AM-6:00 PM, Sunday Conference Registration |
| 12:00 PM-4:00 PM, Sunday, Exhibit Hall B 7th Annual WeatherFest |
Monday, 21 January 2008 |
| 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Monday Registration continues through Thursday, 24 January |
| 9:00 AM-10:15 AM, Monday, 206 Session 1 IIPS Keynote Talks |
Cochairs: Ward R. Seguin, NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD; Howard J. Diamond, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Silver Spring, MD; Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK
| 10:15 AM-10:45 AM, Monday Coffee Break (Mon a.m.) |
| 10:45 AM-11:45 AM, Monday, 206 Session 2A International Applications - Part I |
Cochairs: John R. Lincoln, US Navy/WMO (Ret.) and Consultant, Berryville, VA; Alfred Hofstadler, ECMWF, Reading United Kingdom
| 10:45 AM | 2A.1 | Fog and thunderstorm forecasting in Melbourne, Australia  Harvey Stern, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Vic., Australia |
| 11:00 AM | 2A.2 | The concept of triggers – staying ahead of (severe) weather developments  Marcel Molendijk, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands; and N. Maat |
| 11:15 AM | 2A.3 | Recent developments of a new meteorological workstation at the UK Met Office:  Alan M. Radford, The U.K. Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom; and P. Trevelyan |
| 11:30 AM | 2A.4 | The EU funded BRIDGE project  Baudouin Raoult, ECMWF, Reading, Berks., United Kingdom |
| 10:45 AM-11:45 AM, Monday, 207 Session 2B Global Meteorological and Hydrological Service Updates - Part I |
Cochairs: Ward R. Seguin, NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD; Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK
| 11:45 AM-1:30 PM, Monday Opening Plenary Session Featuring Mayor Nagin of New Orleans (Cash & Carry Lunch) |
| 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, Monday, 206 Session 3A Global Meteorological and Hydrological Service Updates - Part II |
Cochairs: Ward R. Seguin, NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD; Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK
| 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, Monday, 207 Session 3B International Applications - PART II [the Last Six Papers in This session are 'overflow' papers from the Joint Session on Global Earth Observations with IOAS-AOLS] |
Cochairs: John R. Lincoln, US Navy/WMO (Ret.) and Consultant, Berryville, VA; Alfred Hofstadler, ECMWF, Reading United Kingdom
| 1:30 PM | 3B.1 | The UCAR Africa Initiative – Overview and Update  Tom Yoksas, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. Bruintjes, B. Foote, S. Heck, S. Herrmann, L. Hoswell, P. A. Kucera, A. Laing, B. L. Lamptey, M. W. Moncrieff, R. Pandya, M. Ramamurthy, R. Roberts, T. Spangler, T. T. Warner, and M. Weingroff |
| 2:00 PM | 3B.2 | GEONETCast Americas – A GEOSS Environmental Data Dissemination System  Richard A. Fulton, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and P. Seymour and L. Moodie |
| 2:15 PM | 3B.3 | Spatial Variability in Differences between Multi-sensor and Raingage Precipitation Estimates within the Central United States Nancy Westcott, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Illinois State Water Survey, INRS, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois |
| 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Monday, Exhibit Hall B Poster Session 1 IIPS Poster Session I |
Cochairs: Stephen M. Holt, Noblis, Inc., Falls Church, VA; Marjorie McGuirk, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; Anthony Arguez, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; Scott T. Shipley, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia
|  | P1.1 | Recent results of a new requirements process on technology infusion in the National Weather Service LeRoy Spayd Jr., NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD |
| | P1.2 | The WestMap Stakeholder-Driven Interactive Data Access and Analysis Resource Interface for Fine-Scale Climate Data Mary F. Glueck, Department of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and A. C. Comrie, K. Redmond, H. J. Reinbold, J. T. Abatzoglou, and C. Daly |
| | P1.3 | Experimental gridded warning guidance for severe convective weather threats Gregory J. Stumpf, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, and NOAA/NWS, Norman, OK; and T. M. Smith, D. L. Andra, D. W. Burgess, J. G. LaDue, L. R. Lemon, M. A. Magsig, K. Manross, D. J. Miller, S. Nelson, K. L. Ortega, K. Scharfenberg, and D. W. Sharp |
| | P1.4 | Integrating a Geographic Information System into Storm Assessment: The Southeast Alabama Tornado Outbreak of 1 March 2007 J. Parks Camp, NOAA/NWS, Tallahassee, FL |
| | P1.5 | Automatic mesurements of Japanese cedar / cypress pollen concentration and the numerical forecasting at Tokyo metropolitan area Motoo Suzuki, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center, Tokyo, Japan; and M. Tonouchi, H. Kumagai, S. Komatsu, and K. Murayama |
| | P1.6 | Finding the sources of inaccurate WRF forecasts of tornadic and nontornadic outbreaks when initialized with synoptic scale input Chad M. Shafer, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and A. E. Mercer, L. M. Leslie, M. B. Richman, and C. A. Doswell |
| | P1.7 | Plans for the NOAA Research Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System Patricia A. Miller, NOAA/ESRL/GSD, Boulder, CO; and M. F. Barth and L. A. Benjamin |
| | P1.8 | Detecting synoptic scale precursors of tornado outbreaks Lance M. Leslie, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and M. B. Richman, C. A. Doswell, A. E. Mercer, and C. M. Shafer |
| | P1.9 | An Advanced Next Generation Processing, Archival, and Distribution System for Global Atmospheric Science Research and Applications John M. Kusterer, NASA, Hampton, VA; and D. E. Cordner, J. W. Closs, P. Piatko, and N. A. Ritchie |
| | P1.10 | Accurate and Rapid Positioning with the Online Positioning User Service - OPUS Gerald L. Mader, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and N. D. Weston |
| | P1.12 | Weather Based Internet Map Services: Bringing NOAA's Weather Data to your Desktop Bernd Haupt, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and M. C. Kelly, R. Baxter, and J. Spayd |
| 4:00 PM-5:00 PM, Monday, 206 Session 3A Global Meteorological and Hydrological Service Updates-Part II (continued) |
| 4:00 PM-5:30 PM, Monday, 207 Session 3B International Applications Part II (Continued) |
| 4:00 PM | 3B.4 | Terrestrial observation of vegetation health as a tool to monitor global socioeconomic activities  Felix Kogan, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD; and W. Guo |
| 4:15 PM | 3B.5 | The integrated surface database: partnerships and progress  J. Neal Lott, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and R. S. Vose, S. A. Del Greco, T. F. Ross, S. Worley, and J. L. Comeaux |
| 4:30 PM | 3B.6 | Underutilized observations for studying tropical climate variations: the historical pilot balloon data base  Michael W. Douglas, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and R. Orozco, J. F. Mejia, and J. Murillo |
| 4:45 PM | 3B.7 | Inter-comparison of Water Vapor Mixing Ratio measured by Radiosonde and Howard University Raman Lidar  Micheal Hicks, NOAA Center for Atmospheric Science, Washington, DC; and M. Adam, E. Joseph, D. Venable, J. Facundo, J. Fitzgibbon, R. Connel, and D. Whitemen |
| 5:00 PM | 3B.8 | French contribution to the Global Climate Observing System  Régis Juvanon du Vachat, Météo-France, PARIS, France |
| 5:15 PM | 3B.9 | The U.S. Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) program: plans for progressing reference surface and upper air climate observations  Howard J. Diamond, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Silver Spring, MD |
| 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, Monday, Exhibit Hall A Formal Opening of Exhibits with Reception (Cash Bar) |
Tuesday, 22 January 2008 |
| 8:15 AM-9:45 AM, Tuesday, 206 Joint Session 2 Applications of artificial intelligence methods in the context of interactive information processing systems (Joint between the Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to Environmental Science and the 24th Conference on IIPS) |
Cochairs: Christina Lief, NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, NC; Julian Wang, NOAA/ARL, Silver Spring, MD
Chair: S. Lakshmivarahan, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
| 8:15 AM | J2.1 | Support vector regression in data assimilation  Hicham Mansouri, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and L. M. Leslie, M. B. Richman, and T. B. Trafalis |
| 8:30 AM | J2.2 | Use of the LEAD Portal for On-Demand Severe Weather Prediction  Keith A. Brewster, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and D. Weber, K. W. Thomas, K. K. Droegemeier, Y. Wang, M. Xue, S. Marru, D. Gannon, J. Alameda, B. F. Jewett, J. S. Kain, S. J. Weiss, and M. Christie |
| 8:45 AM | J2.3 | Using Spatiotemporal Relational Data Mining to Identify the Key Parameters for Anticipating Rotation Initiation in Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms  Nathan C. Hiers, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and A. McGovern, D. H. Rosendahl, R. A. Brown, and K. K. Droegemeier |
| 9:00 AM | J2.4 | An automated method for detecting precipitation and cell type from radar products  George L. Limpert, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO; and S. A. Lack, N. I. Fox, and E. J. Sadler |
| 9:15 AM | J2.5 | Developing a Severe Weather Alert System  Ron Holmes, NOAA/NWSFO, State College, PA; and R. H. Grumm |
| 9:30 AM | J2.6 | Imputation of missing data with nonlinear relationships  Michael B. Richman, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and I. Adrianto and T. B. Trafalis |
| 8:30 AM-9:45 AM, Tuesday, 207 Joint Panel Discussion 1 Enhancing the Connectivity between Research and Applications for the Benefit of Society Part I (Joint between the 24th Conference on IIPS, the Symposium on Linkages among Societal Benefits, Prediction Systems and Process Studies for 1-14 day Weather Forecasts, the 5th GOES Users' Conference, the 12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS, the 13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, and the Third Symposium on Policy and Socio-Economic Research) |
Panelists: Steve Tracton, ONR, Arlington, VA; Mark DeMaria, NOAA/NESDIS, Ft. Collins, CO; James J. Gurka, NOAA/NESDIS/GOES-R Program Office, Greenbelt, MD; Rebecca Morss, NCAR, Boulder, CO; Thomas Whittaker, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Stewart Cober, Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada, Toronto, ON Canada
Moderator: Mary H. Hayden, Univ. of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO
| | | Mary H. Hayden
| | | Steve Tracton 
| | | Mark DeMaria 
| | | James J. Gurka 
| | | Rebecca Morss 
| | | Thomas Whittaker 
| | | Stewart Cober
| | | Panel Discussion
| 9:45 AM-11:00 AM, Tuesday, Exhibit Hall B Formal Poster Viewing with Coffee Break (Tue a.m.) |
| 11:00 AM-6:00 PM, Tuesday, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (Tuesday) |
| 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, Tuesday, 206 Session 4A Applications in Meteorology, Oceanography, Hydrology and Climatology - Part I |
Cochairs: Carl D. Thormeyer, KSBW-8, Salinas, CA; Timothy Crum, NOAA/NEXRAD Radar Operations Center, Norman, OK
| 11:00 AM | 4A.1 | StickNet – A new portable, rapidly-deployable, surface observation system  Christopher C. Weiss, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX; and J. L. Schroeder |
| 11:15 AM | 4A.2 | Convective Hazards Assessment Process: Revised Ricks Index  Robert J. Ricks Jr., NOAA/NWS, Slidell, LA; and T. Erickson |
| 11:30 AM | 4A.3 | Tornado and Severe Thunderstorm Warning Forecast Skill and its Relationship to Storm Type  Eric M. Guillot, National Weather Center REU, Lyndonville, VT; and T. M. Smith, V. Lakshmanan, K. L. Elmore, D. W. Burgess, and G. J. Stumpf |
| 11:45 AM | 4A.4 | Evaluation of WRF forecasts of tornadic and nontornadic outbreaks when initialized with synoptic scale input  Chad M. Shafer, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and A. E. Mercer, L. M. Leslie, M. B. Richman, and C. A. Doswell |
| 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, Tuesday, 207 Session 4B Challenges in Data Access, Distribution, and Use - Part I |
Cochairs: Tom Whittaker, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Anthony Arguez, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
| 11:00 AM | 4B.1 | An Examination of the Life Cycle of Actionable Weather Information  Phil Zuzolo, The Boeing Company, Springfield, VA; and B. Zuzolo |
| 11:15 AM | 4B.2 | The Arctic Observing Network and its Data Management Challenges  Florence Fetterer, NSIDC/CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and J. A. Moore |
| 11:30 AM | 4B.3 | Accessing the IPCC AR4 data: A day in the life of the GFDL data portal Kevin M. O'Brien, JISAO/University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and S. Nikonov, R. Schweitzer, S. Hankin, V. Balaji, A. Manke, J. Li, and J. Callahan |
| 11:45 AM | 4B.4 | Adventures in web services for large geophysical datasets  Joe Sirott, Sirott and Associates, Seattle, WA |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Tuesday, La Louisiane Presidental Forum: Hurricane Katrina: Looking Back to Look Ahead (Cash & Carry) (Presidental Forum will run parallel to the other sessions throughout the afternoon) |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Tuesday, 209 Joint Session 3 Using technology to enhance learning: innovations and evidence (Part 1) (Joint between the 17th Symposium on Education and the 24th Conference on IIPS) |
Cochairs: Rajul Pandya, UCAR, Boulder, CO; Tom Whittaker, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Marjorie McGuirk, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
| 1:30 PM | J3.1 | Connecting students to science through the interactive use of NASA Earth science climate data  Erica J. Alston, NASA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and L. H. Chambers, P. C. Oots, S. W. Moore, C. S. Phelps, and D. Diones |
|  | J3.2 | The sky's the limit – developing and implementing a technology-based, interdisciplinary course in atmospheric science for high school students Eric A. Walters, Marymount School of New York, New York, NY |
| 1:45 PM | J3.3 | On-line education activities and opportunities  Margaret Mooney, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. Ackerman, T. Whittaker, and L. Avila |
| 2:00 PM | J3.4 | Applications of automated weather stations in an extension service setting  Paul Ruscher, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL |
| 2:15 PM | J3.5 | Educational mismatches between traditional dynamic meteorology lessons and applied forecaster training with high-resolution gridded diagnostics  Paul Nutter, Univ. of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO |
| 2:30 PM | J3.6 | The National Severe Weather Workshop Scenario: Interactive adult learning for integrated warning team members  Dale A. Morris, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and D. Arndt, J. Burchett, S. J. Corfidi, J. T. Ferree, D. Freeman, G. Kitch, D. S. LaDue, D. McCarthy, J. McLaughlin, E. M. Quoetone, P. T. Schlatter, R. Smith, and J. L. Winslow |
| 2:45 PM | J3.7A | New Tools, Old Dogs  Steven A. Ackerman, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Tuesday, 206 Session 5A GIS Applications |
Cochairs: Ken R. Waters, NOAA/NWS, Phoenix, AZ; Nazila Merati, NOAA/PMEL and JISAO, Seattle, WA
| 1:30 PM | 5A.1 | Use of a Geographic Information System to assess gridded weather forecasts  John B. Settelmaier, NOAA/NWS, Fort Worth, TX |
| 1:45 PM | 5A.2 | GIS applications at NWS Los Angeles/Oxnard  Jayme L. Laber, NOAA/NWS, Oxnard, CA |
| 2:00 PM | 5A.3 | The New GIS Services from the NWS  Keith Stellman, NOAA/NWS, Shreveport, LA; and P. Kirkwood and I. Graffman |
| 2:15 PM | 5A.4 | SevereClear – a situational awareness necessity  Darone Jones, NOAA/NWS, Calera, AL; and G. Machala, J. Burks, J. Morris, A. Sutula, J. Pelton, M. Foster, P. Kirkwood, and B. Carcione |
| 2:30 PM | 5A.5 | Using GIS and Ensemble NWP Output for Infrastructure Impacts Forecasts  Jennifer Boehnert, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Hacker and B. Bush |
| 2:45 PM | 5A.6 | NWS Inter-Regional Integrated Services (IRIS) Database  Craig Schmidt, NOAA/NWS, Salt Lake City, UT; and P. Flatt, E. Lenning, M. Seaman, M. Solum, and M. Sutton |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Tuesday, 207 Session 5B Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) |
Cochairs: Christina Lief, NOAA/National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC; Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK
| 1:30 PM | 5B.1 | Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD): Web services for meteorological research and education  Kelvin Droegemeier, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and J. Alameda, K. Brewster, M. Christie, R. D. Clark, B. Domenico, D. Gannon, S. Graves, E. Joseph, S. Marru, B. Plale, R. Ramachandran, M. K. Ramamurthy, D. Reed, J. Rushing, A. Rossi, S. Tanner, K. W. Thomas, D. Weber, R. B. Wilhelmson, A. Wilson, M. Xue, and S. Yalda |
| 1:45 PM | 5B.2 | The LEAD testbed system at the Unidata program center: a medium term online repository of meteorological data  Tom Baltzer, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and B. Kelly, A. Wilson, and M. Ramamurthy |
| 2:00 PM | 5B.3 | Create an archive with the THREDDS Data Repository  Anne Wilson, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and T. Baltzer and J. Caron |
| 2:15 PM | 5B.4 | Storm Clustering for Data-driven Weather Forecasting  Xiang Li, Univ. of Alabama, Huntsville, AL; and R. Ramachandran, S. Movva, S. Graves, B. Plale, and N. Vijayakumar |
| 2:30 PM | 5B.5 | LEAD: Automatic triggering of high resolution forecasts in response to severe weather indications from the NOAA Storm Prediction Center  R. B. Wilhelmson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL; and B. F. Jewett, J. Alameda, A. Rossi, S. Hampton, D. Weber, K. Thomas, Y. Wang, and K. Droegemeier |
| 2:45 PM | 5B.6 | The LEAD-WxChallenge pilot project: enabling the community  Richard D. Clark, Millersville University, Millersville, PA; and S. Marru, M. Christie, D. Gannon, B. G. Illston, K. Droegemeier, and T. Baltzer |
| 3:30 PM-5:30 PM, Tuesday, 209 Joint Session 4 Using technology to enhance learning: innovations and evidence (Part 2) (Joint between the 17th Symposium on Education and the 24th Conference on IIPS) |
Cochairs: Tom Whittaker, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Marjorie McGuirk, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; Rajul Pandya, UCAR, Boulder, CO
| 3:30 PM | J4.1 | Are we graduating too many atmospheric scientists? An update  John A. Knox, Univ. of Georgia, Athens, GA |
| 3:45 PM | J4.2 | Undergraduate experience with technology in an education and research program to measure and understand the climatology of storms in Southeast Texas  Larry J. Hopper Jr., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX; and C. Schumacher, K. Brugman, C. Hernandez, U. Karadkar, M. Nordt, and R. Furuta |
| 4:00 PM | J4.3 | Preparing a blended learning course in atmospheric sciences: curriculum, assessment and the online experience  Eric R. Snodgrass, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and D. J. Charlevoix and J. V. Clark |
| 4:15 PM | J4.4 | Classroom Response Systems in Statistics Courses  Michael B. Richman, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and T. J. Murphy, C. C. McKnight, and R. Terry |
| 4:30 PM | J4.5 | Satellite observations in science education  Tommy Jasmin, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and T. Whittaker and S. Ackerman |
| 4:45 PM | J4.6 | Building a framework to facilitate interactive and dynamic educational case study modules  Jeff Weber, UCAR/Unidata, Boulder, CO; and B. Etherton and S. O. Holmberg |
| 5:00 PM | J4.7 | Utilizing UNIDATA's Integrated Data Viewer as an undergraduate meteorology classroom tool  Mark S. Kulie, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and S. A. Ackerman and R. Bennartz |
| 3:30 PM-5:30 PM, Tuesday, 206 Session 5A GIS Applications (Continued) |
| 3:30 PM | 5A.7 | The IRIS StormLog Application  Eric Lenning, NOAA/NWS Chicago WFO, Romeoville, IL; and D. Borsum, M. Solum, M. Sutton, and M. Seaman |
| 3:45 PM | 5A.8 | National Weather Service warnings using GIS  Ken R. Waters, NOAA/NWS, Phoenix, AZ |
| 4:00 PM | 5A.9 | Development of an Operational Inland Flooding Forecast Tool: A Geodatabase of Tropical Cyclone Induced Precipitation  R. Jason Caldwell, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and G. M. Forthun |
| 4:15 PM | 5A.10 | A geospatial database and climatology of severe weather data  Steve Ansari, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and S. A. Del Greco and M. Phillips |
| 4:30 PM | 5A.11 | Server GIS: Lessons Learned from an ESRI ArcServer© Demonstration Project at the NWS Central Region Headquarters Wendy L. Pearson, NOAA/NWS, Kansas City, MO; and K. S. Lander |
| 4:45 PM | 5A.12 | Integrating GIS, WRF and NJWXNET to study NJ mesoscale weather phenomena Ryan M. Kelly, Kean University, Union, NJ; and S. Yoh |
| 5:00 PM | 5A.13 | Incorporation of AIRS, AMSR-E and TRMM observations into a GIS: A case study involving transport of water vapor over the Pacific Ocean  Stephanie L. Granger, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and E. J. Fetzer, B. H. Kahn, R. Raskin, S. Kopp, and A. Turner |
| 5:15 PM | 5A.14 | Employing geographic information systems for gridded model output statistics  Kari L. Sheets, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD |
| 3:30 PM-3:45 PM, Tuesday, 207 Session 5B Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) (Continued) |
| 3:45 PM-5:15 PM, Tuesday, 208 Session 5C Internet Applications & Cyberinfrastucture |
Cochairs: Michael D. Eilts, Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., Norman, OK; Christina Lief, NOAA/National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC
| 3:45 PM | 5C.1 | NSSL's prototype enhanced severe thunderstorm database  Kevin Scharfenberg, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK, Norman, OK; and T. M. Smith, C. Legett, K. L. Manross, K. L. Ortega, and A. G. Kolodziej |
| 4:00 PM | 5C.2 | A public release of WRF Portal: a graphical user interface for WRF  Mark W. Govett, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO; and J. S. Smith |
| 4:15 PM | 5C.3 | The WRF Domain Wizard: The WPS GUI  Jeff S. Smith, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Ft Collins, CO; and P. T. McCaslin and M. W. Govett |
| 4:30 PM | 5C.4 | Adding Modern AJAX Web-services to Existing Data Distribution Systems  Roland Schweitzer, Weathertop Consulting, LLC, College Station, TX; and S. Hankin, A. Manke, J. Callahan, K. M. O'Brien, J. Malczyk, and J. Li |
| 4:45 PM | 5C.5 | The PDA Animated Weather (PAW) Service  Russell Dengel, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI; and B. Bellon and J. Robaidek |
| 5:00 PM | 5C.6 | Use of NOAA's nowCOAST GIS Web Mapping Services for Emergency Management and Homeland Security  Shelley Schindler, NOAA/NOS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. G. W. Kelley, M. Wengren, and J. Greenlaw |
Wednesday, 23 January 2008 |
| 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Wednesday, 226-227 Joint Session 5 Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Part I (Joint between the 13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology and the 24th Conference on IIPS) |
Chairs: David J. Pace, FAA, Washington, DC; Mary M. Cairns, NOAA/Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology, Silver Spring, MD
| 8:30 AM | J5.1 | General overview (JPDO and Wx IPT reorganization and Joint Weather Program)  Mark Andrews, Weather IPT, Washington, DC |
| 9:00 AM | J5.2 | Research and Development priorities for NextGen weather  John McCarthy, JPDO Weather Working Group Chief Scientist (retired) and Aviation Weather Associates, Inc., Palm Desert, CA; and B. Carmichael |
| 9:15 AM | J5.3 | Public and private sector roles in weather  Richard Heuwinkel, FAA, Washington, DC; and K. Johnston |
| 9:30 AM | J5.4 | Multi-agency Network Enabled Weather on the FAA's SWIM DOC Test Bed  Richard C. Deininger, Tectura Corporation, Bellevue, WA; and O. Newell and G. Thompson |
| 9:45 AM | J5.5 | US Government Environmental Datacube (4DCube) Harmonization  Kim Curry, United States Navy (USN), Washington DC, DC; and D. J. Pace, T. Hopkins, and R. Hardwick |
| 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Wednesday, 206 Session 6A Interactive Processing Systems |
Cochairs: William F. Roberts, NOAA/ERL/FSL, Boulder, CO; Ward R. Seguin, NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD
| 8:30 AM | 6A.1 | The evolution of AWIPS – progress and future plans  Jason P. Tuell, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and R. K. Henry, J. D. Lawson, and F. P. Griffith |
| 8:45 AM | 6A.2 | Application migration within the new AWIPS architecture  Jason P. Tuell, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and R. K. Henry, J. Olsen, J. D. Lawson, and F. P. Griffith |
| 9:00 AM | 6A.3 | Integrating NAWIPS into the new NWS service oriented architecture Steve Schotz, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD; and J. P. Tuell, S. Jacobs, D. Plummer, S. Gilbert, and R. K. Henry |
| 9:15 AM | 6A.4 | Testing strategies for the next generation AWIPS  Kenneth L. Stricklett, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. P. Tuell, R. K. Henry, P. K. Pickard, J. D. Lawson, and F. P. Griffith |
| 9:30 AM | 6A.5 | Findings of the four-dimensional storm cell investigator alpha test at WFO Omaha-Valley during the 2007 convective season  Daniel Nietfeld, NOAA/NWSFO, Valley, NE |
| 9:45 AM | 6A.6 | Can OGC Web Services Work in an Operational Setting?  Mark W. Govett, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO |
| 8:30 AM-10:00 AM, Wednesday, 207 Session 6B Radar IIPS and Applications, Part I |
Cochairs: Timothy Crum, NOAA/NEXRAD Radar Operations Center, Norman, OK; Douglas E. Forsyth, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; Julian Wang, NOAA/ARL, Silver Spring, MD; Robert E. Saffle, Noblis, Inc., Falls Church, VA
| 8:30 AM | 6B.1 | NEXRAD product improvement -- update 2008  Robert E. Saffle, Noblis, Inc., Falls Church, VA; and M. Istok and G. S. Cate |
| 8:45 AM | 6B.2 | Important considerations toward developing site-specific scanning strategies for WSR-88Ds  Randy M. Steadham, NOAA/Radar Operations Center, Norman, OK; and R. A. Brown |
| 9:00 AM | 6B.3 | Impacts of wind farms on WSR-88D radars  Donald W. Burgess, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and T. Crum and R. J. Vogt |
| 9:15 AM | 6B.4 | An update on policy considerations of wind farm impacts on WSR-88D systems  Richard J. Vogt, Tri-Agencies' (Dept. of Commerce, Defense & Transportation) Radar Operations Center, Norman, OK; and T. Crum, J. T. Snow, R. D. Palmer, B. Isom, D. W. Burgess, and M. S. Paese |
| 9:30 AM | 6B.5 | Real time mitigation of ground clutter S. M. Ellis, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. C. Hubbert and M. Dixon |
| 9:45 AM | 6B.6 | NEXRAD differential reflectivity calibration  J. C. Hubbert, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and F. Pratte, M. Dixon, and R. A. Rilling |
| 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Wednesday, 226-227 Joint Session 6 Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Part II (Joint between the 13th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology and the 24th Conference on IIPS) |
Cochairs: David J. Pace, FAA, Washington, DC; Mary M. Cairns, NOAA/Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology, Silver Spring, MD
| 10:30 AM | J6.1 | Evolution of FAA's Weather and Radar Processor (WARP) into the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen)  James Stobie, SAIC, Washington, DC; and A. Moosakhanian, P. Jackson, and W. N. Brown |
| 10:45 AM | J6.2 | FLYSAFE - An Approach to Flight Safety - using GML/XML objects to define hazardous volumes of space for aviation  Andrew K. Mirza, Met Office, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom; and S. Geindre and C. Pagé |
| 11:00 AM | J6.3 | Scale of automation and the human role in generating weather information for the Next Generation Air Transportation Four Dimension (4D) Weather Cube  Kevin L. Johnston, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD |
| 11:15 AM | J6.4 | The single authoritative source for weather information  Bruce Carmichael, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and D. J. Pace |
| 11:30 AM | J6.5 | Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation (CoSPA)  Marilyn M. Wolfson, MIT, Lexington, MA; and W. J. Dupree, R. M. Rasmussen, M. Steiner, S. G. Benjamin, and S. S. Weygandt |
| 11:45 AM | J6.6 | Integration of terminal area probabilistic meteorological forecasts in NAS-wide traffic flow management decision making George Hunter, Sensis Corporation, Campbell, CA; and K. Ramamoorthy |
| 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Wednesday, 206 Session 6A Interactive Processing Systems (Continued) |
| 10:30 AM | 6A.7 | Developing data analysis and visualization capabilities for interactive processing of multi- and hyper-spectral environmental satellite data: an update on McIDAS-V  Thomas H. Achtor, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and T. D. Rink and T. M. Whittaker |
| 10:45 AM | 6A.8 | Tools for integrating distributed computing with interactive visualization in McIDAS-V Ray Garcia, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and B. M. Flynn, R. O. Knuteson, T. M. Whittaker, T. D. Rink, T. H. Achtor, S. Mindock, S. T. Dutcher, M. Smuga-Otto, and G. D. Martin |
| 11:00 AM | 6A.9 | Interactive quality assurance practices  Karsten Shein, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC |
| 11:15 AM | 6A.10 | An integrated forecast production system  Claude Landry, MSC, Dorval, QC, Canada; and R. Verret, R. Jones, D. Vigneux, J. McLean, R. Parent, J. -. F. Deschenes, J. -. P. Talbot, M. Holly, and M. Nadeau |
| 11:30 AM | 6A.11 | Synergie, French Forecaters Workstation - specific tools for Tropical Cyclone  Antoine Lasserre-Bigorry, Météo-France, Toulouse Cedex, France; and J. N. Degrace, M. F. Voidrot Martinez, and E. Arbogast |
| 11:45 AM | 6A.12 | Plans for the NOAA/DHS Geo-Targeted Alerting System  Richard Jesuroga, NOAA/OAR/ESRL/GSD, Boulder, CO; and U. H. Grote and X. Jing |
| 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Wednesday, 207 Session 6B Radar IIPS and Applications, Part I (Continued) |
| 10:30 AM | 6B.7 | Assessment of the impact of radar refractivity retrievals by forecasters  Pamela L. Heinselman, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and B. L. Cheong, R. D. Palmer, K. D. Hondl, and D. Bodine |
| 10:45 AM | 6B.8 | Prediction and Mitigation of Anomalous Propagation with the Total Atmospheric Effects Mitigation (TAEM) System  James J. Stagliano Jr., Propagation Research Associates, Inc., Marietta, GA; and J. C. Kerce, G. M. Hall, R. D. Bock, E. J. Holder, S. F. Dugas, and F. Vandenberghe |
| 11:00 AM | 6B.9 | A new way to investigate dynamics in a storm using Doppler spectra from weather radar  T.-Y. Yu, University of Oklahoma, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Norman, Ok 73019-1023, OK; and R. Reinoso-Rondinel and R. D. Palmer |
| 11:15 AM | 6B.10 | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar for NWS Operations: Phase 3 Update  Michael J. Istok, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and A. D. Stern, R. E. Saffle, B. R. Klein, N. Shen, Y. Song, Z. Wang, W. M. Blanchard, and B. Bumgarner |
|  | 6B.11 | Estimating weather radar coverage for the 2010 Winter Olympics Edwin F. Campos, EC, Toronto, ON, Canada; and N. Donaldson and P. Joe |
| 11:30 AM | 6B.12 | The National Severe Storms Laboratory's QPE verification system  Steven V. Vasiloff, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and B. Kaney |
| 11:00 AM-6:30 PM, Wednesday, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (wednesday) |
| 12:00 PM-1:30 PM, Wednesday Lunch Break (Cash & Carry in Exhibit Hall) (Wednesday) |
| 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, Wednesday, 206 Session 7A Applications in Meteorology, Oceanography, Hydrology and Climatology - Part II |
Cochairs: Carl D. Thormeyer, KSBW-8, Salinas, CA; Timothy Crum, NOAA/NEXRAD Radar Operations Center, Norman, OK
| 1:30 PM | 7A.1 | The NOAA Transition of Research Applications to Climate Services (TRACS) Program  Josh Foster, Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP), Washington, DC |
| 1:45 PM | 7A.2 | Implementation of a new Marine Weather Warning Bulletin by the National Weather Service  Mark A. Tew, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and G. E. Mann, E. Jillson, S. Nelaimischkies, and R. May |
| 2:00 PM | 7A.3 | Development of operational regional snowfall indices  Michael F. Squires, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and J. H. Lawrimore, R. Heim, D. A. Robinson, M. R. Gerbush, and T. Estilow |
| 2:15 PM | 7A.4 | An assessment of Arctic sea ice forecasts on seasonal time scales  Ignatius G. Rigor, APL, Seattle, WA; and T. Arbetter, M. Ortmeyer, P. Clemente-Colón, and J. Woods |
| 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, Wednesday, 207 Session 7B Satellite IIPS and Applications |
Cochairs: Gerald J. Dittberner, NOAA/NESDIS, Springfield, VA; Tom Whittaker, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Dongsoo Kim, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
| 1:30 PM | 7B.1 | MADIS-T Satellite Radiance and Sounding Data Processing Subsystem  Abhishek Agarwal, Nortel Government Solutions, Lanham, MD; and S. Tehranian, J. R. McNitt, J. Facundo, and A. Swaroop |
| 1:45 PM | 7B.2 | Economic benefits of polar winds from MODIS and GOES-R winds  Robert Reining, NOAA/NESDIS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. V. Sterling |
|  | 7B.3 | Tropopause characteristics in Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and Global Positioning System occultation observations Eric J. Fetzer, JPL, Pasadena, CA; and E. Fishbein, C. O. Ao, B. Tian, A. Mannucci, B. Wilson, and T. P. Yunck |
| 2:00 PM | 7B.4 | Adaptive Sky: distributed cloud monitoring using multi-instrument, multi-platform sensor webs  Michael Garay, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech, Pasadena, CA; and J. Ng, Y. Wang, and M. C. Burl |
| 2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Wednesday, Exhibit Hall B Poster Session 2 IIPS Poster Session II |
Cochairs: Stephen M. Holt, Noblis, Inc., Falls Church, VA; Marjorie McGuirk, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; Anthony Arguez, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; Scott T. Shipley, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia
| | P2.1 | Accessing HDF5 data via OPeNDAP MuQun Yang, The HDF Group, Champaign, IL; and H. K. Lee and J. Gallagher |
| | P2.2 | The importance of ACARS data in evaluating the near-storm environment of a nocturnal QLCS event Angela Lese, NOAA/NWS, Louisville, KY; and J. Ammerman |
| | P2.3 | Online visualization and analysis of NASA QuikSCAT and TRMM daily products Zhong Liu, George Mason University/CEOSR, Fairfax, VA and NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and D. Ostrenga, G. G. Leptoukh, and S. J. Kempler |
|  | P2.4 | Using Land Surface Modeling in a Decision Support System for Agriculture William Myers, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Block |
| | P2.5 | The Tornado Outbreak of 1-2 March 2007 in the National Weather Service Tallahassee Forecast Area Andrew I. Watson, NOAA/NWS, Tallahassee, FL; and B. A. Mroczka, J. A. Fournier, J. P. Camp, and R. C. Goree |
| | P2.6 | A bayesian approach to retrieve raindrop size distribution from polarimetric radar data Qing Cao, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and G. Zhang |
| | P2.7 | The Development of Web-Based Forecaster's Analysis System (WebFAS) at KMA YongSang Kim, Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul, South Korea; and D. I. Lee and S. H. Son |
| | P2.9 | Combined WSR-88D technique to reduce range aliasing using phase coding and multiple Doppler scans W. David Zittel, NEXRAD Radar Operations Center, Norman OK, Norman, OK; and D. S. Saxion, R. D. Rhoton, and D. C. Crauder |
| | P2.10 | Evaluation of a faster scanning strategy for the WSR-88D combined range aliasing mitigation techniques Douglas. C. Crauder, National Weather Center, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, Stillwater, OK; and W. D. Zittel |
| | P2.13 | An on-demand user interface for requesting multi-radar, multi-sensor time accumulated products to support severe weather verification Kevin L. Manross, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and T. M. Smith, J. T. Ferree, and G. J. Stumpf |
| | P2.12 | Compensation for Composite System Noise on Base Moments within the WSR-88D David A. Warde, SI International, Norman Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and D. Sirmans, A. D. Free, R. L. Ice, and J. N. Chrisman |
| 4:00 PM-4:15 PM, Wednesday, 206 Session 7A Applications in Meteorology, Oceanography, Hydrology and Climatology - Part II (Continued) |
| 4:15 PM-5:30 PM, Wednesday, 207 Session 7C Challenges in Data Access, Distribution, and Use - Part II |
Cochairs: Tom Whittaker, CIMSS/Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; Anthony Arguez, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC
| 4:15 PM | 7C.1 | Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System Transition Project Risk Reduction Activity  James A. McNitt, NOAA NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and J. Facundo and J. O'Sullivan |
| 4:30 PM | 7C.2 | Experience with an enhanced netCDF data model and interface for scientific data access  Edward Hartnett, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and R. K. Rew |
| 4:45 PM | 7C.3 | Weather Coder III: Web-Based Climate Data Ingest for NOAA's Cooperative Volunteer Observation Network  Kelly T. Redmond, DRI, Reno, NV; and G. McCurdy, G. Kelly, M. J. Brewer, T. W. Owen, and B. Bonack |
| 5:00 PM | 7C.4 | Army RDT&E Meteorological Architecture for Data Archival (ARMADA)  Scott F. Halvorson, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, UT; and S. Krippner, C. L. Klemmer, E. Argenta, M. M. Kimball, and E. Laufenberg |
| 5:15 PM | 7C.5 | Grids and beyond: netCDF-CF and ISO/OGC Features and Coverages  Ethan R. Davis, UCAR/Unidata, Boulder, CO; and J. Caron and B. Domenico |
| 5:30 PM-6:30 PM, Wednesday, Exhibit Hall A Reception in Exhibit Hall (Cash Bar) (Wednesday) |
| 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, Wednesday AMS Annual Awards Banquet at the Hilton Riverside Hotel |
Thursday, 24 January 2008 |
| 8:30 AM-9:45 AM, Thursday, 206 Joint Session 1 Global Earth Observations Session (GCOS) (Joint between the 24th Conference on IIPS and the 12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS) |
Cochairs: Howard J. Diamond, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Silver Spring, MD; John R. Lincoln, US Navy/WMO (Ret.) and Consultant, Berryville, VA
| 8:30 AM | J1.1 | The Future Development of the Global Climate Observing System  John W. Zillman, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia |
| 9:00 AM | J1.2 | The Global Climate Observing System: Responding to the International Climate Community  David M. Goodrich, WMO/GCOS, Geneva, Switzerland |
| 9:30 AM | J1.3 | Progress towards the WMO Integrated Global Observation Systems (WIGOS) and WMO Information System (WIS) Donald E. Hinsman, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland; and J. Hayes, D. Schiessl, and J. Rasmussen |
| 8:30 AM-9:45 AM, Thursday, 207 Session 8 Advances and Applications in Surface Transportation Weather |
Cochairs: Paul A. Pisano, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC; S. Edward Boselly, Weather Solutions Group, Olympia, WA
| 8:30 AM | 8.1 | U.S. highway crashes in adverse road weather conditions  Paul A. Pisano, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC; and L. C. Goodwin and M. A. Rossetti |
| 9:00 AM | 8.2 | Economic Sensitivity of Transportation to Weather and Value for Weather Forecasts  Emily Laidlaw, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. K. Lazo and J. Demuth |
| 9:15 AM | 8.3 | Verification and practical application of the RWIS data for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation  Julie Anne Soper, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH |
| 9:30 AM | 8.4 | Regional Demonstrations of the FHWA Clarus System  Paul A. Pisano, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC; and P. J. Kennedy, B. C. Boyce, and A. D. Stern |
| 11:00 AM-4:00 PM, Thursday, Exhibit Hall A Exhibits Open (thurs) |
| 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Thursday, 206 Joint Session 1 Global Earth Observations Session (GCOS) (Continued) (Joint between the 24th Conference on IIPS and the 12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS) |
| 11:00 AM | J1.4 | The 20th century reanalysis project  Gilbert P. Compo, Climate Diagnostics Center/CIRES/University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and J. S. Whitaker and P. D. Sardeshmukh |
| 11:15 AM | J1.5 | The AMMA radiosonde programme and its implications for the future of atmospheric monitoring over Africa  Andreas H. Fink, University of Cologne, Köln, Germany; and C. Thorncroft, S. Janicot, M. W. Douglas, A. Beljaars, D. J. Parker, E. Afiesimama, J. B. Ngamini, A. Augusti-Panareda, F. Dide, A. Diedhiou, T. Lebel, J. Polcher, J. L. Redelsperger, and G. Wilson |
| 11:30 AM | J1.6 | Monitoring and analyzing the Global Ocean Observing System with the Observing System Monitoring Center Kevin M. O'Brien, JISAO/University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and N. Auerbach, J. Cartwright, T. Habermann, S. Hankin, K. Kern, M. Little, and R. Schweitzer |
| 11:45 AM | J1.7 | Enhancing the spatial and temporal rainfall network in the Pacific Islands for Pacific Island GCOS  Dean Solofa, SPREP, Apia, Samoa; and M. L. Morrissey and S. Postawko |
| 12:00 PM | J1.8 | Assimilating tipping bucket rain gauge data into the PACRAIN database  Michael D. Klatt, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and M. L. Morrissey and J. S. Greene |
| 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, Thursday, 207 Session 8 Advances and Applications in Surface Transportation Weather (Continued) |
| 11:00 AM | 8.5 | A Next Generation of Observations based on Passenger Vehicles  Andrew D. Stern, Noblis, Inc., Falls Church, VA; and P. A. Pisano, P. J. Kennedy, K. R. Petty, and W. P. Mahoney |
| 11:15 AM | 8.6 | Web-based weather and a road-state briefing system for highway maintenance decision makers  Peter J. Trevelyan, The U.K. Met Office, Exeter, United Kingdom; and A. M. Radford |
| 11:30 AM | 8.7 | Use of a Maintenance Decision Support System to define winter severity indices  Jeffrey J. Kuntz, University of North Dakota, Surface Transportation Weather Research Center, Grand Forks, ND; and J. J. Mewes and L. F. Osborne, Jr. |
| 11:45 AM | 8.8 | The Use of METRo (Model of the Environment and Temperature of the Roads) in Roadway Operation Decision Support Systems  Seth Linden, NCAR, Boulder, CO |
| 12:00 PM | 8.9 | Maintenance Decision Support Systems: Research progress and continuing needs  John J. Mewes, Meridian Environmental Technology, Inc., Grand Forks, ND; and R. D. Hart, L. F. Osborne, B. Hershey, and D. L. Huft |
| 12:15 PM-1:30 PM, Thursday Lunch Break (Cash & Carry in Exhibit Hall) (Thurs) |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Thursday, 206 Session 9A Radar IIPS and Applications, Part II |
Cochairs: Timothy Crum, NOAA/NEXRAD Radar Operations Center, Norman, OK; Douglas E. Forsyth, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; Julian Wang, NOAA/ARL, Silver Spring, MD; Robert E. Saffle, Noblis, Inc., Falls Church, VA
| 1:30 PM | 9A.1 | Another update on the National Weather Radar Testbed (Phased-Array)  Douglas E. Forsyth, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and J. F. Kimpel, D. S. Zrnic, R. Ferek, J. F. Heimmer, T. J. McNellis, J. E. Crain, A. M. Shapiro, R. J. Vogt, and W. Benner |
| 1:45 PM | 9A.2 | Signal processing upgrades for the National Weather Radar Testbed  Sebastian M. Torres, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and C. Curtis, I. Ivic, and S. Bachmann |
| 2:00 PM | 9A.3 | Introduction to multi-channel receiver development for the realization of multi-mission capabilities at the National Weather Radar Testbed  Mark Yeary, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. D. Palmer, M. Xue, T. -. Y. Yu, G. Zhang, A. Zahrai, J. E. Crain, Y. Zhang, R. J. Doviak, Q. Xu, and P. B. Chilson |
| 2:15 PM | 9A.4 | Spectral identification and suppression of ground clutter contributions for phased array radar  Svetlana Bachmann, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and D. S. Zrnic and C. D. Curtis |
| 2:30 PM | 9A.5 | Novel Adaptive Beamforming Techniques for Atmospheric Imaging Radars  Khoi D. Le, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and R. D. Palmer, B. L. Cheong, T. -. Y. Yu, G. Zhang, and S. M. Torres |
| 2:45 PM | 9A.6 | Rapid sampling of low-altitude circulations by phased array radar  Pamela L. Heinselman, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and K. Manross, T. Smith, R. A. Brown, D. Priegnitz, and R. Hluchan |
| 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, Thursday, 207 Session 9B Virtual Globe |
Cochairs: Nancy N. Soreide, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle, WA; Scott T. Shipley, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia
| 1:30 PM | 9B.1 | Google Earth: Connecting awareness to action and the road ahead Michael Jones, Google Earth, Mountain View, CA |
| 2:00 PM | 9B.2 | Modeling a 3D world - challenges, progress and opportunities  Tamrat Belayneh, ESRI, Redlands, CA; and S. Kopp |
| 2:30 PM | 9B.3 | Dynamically Updated Environmental Satellite Data in Google Earth: An Application to Tropical Meteorology  F. Joseph Turk, NRL, Monterey, CA; and S. Miller, J. Hawkins, and K. Richardson |
| 2:45 PM | 9B.4 | NASA precipitation data in virtual globes: moving beyond 2D representations Owen A. Kelley, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and E. Stocker |
| 3:30 PM-5:15 PM, Thursday, 206 Session 9A Radar IIPS and Applications, Part II (Continued) |
| 3:30 PM | 9A.7 | Application of a monopulse phased array system to weather observations for detecting wind shear at sub-beamwidth resolution  Michihiro S. Teshiba, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and T. -. Y. Yu, G. E. Crain, G. Zhang, and M. Xue |
| 3:45 PM | 9A.9 | Evaluation of the CASA System in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Test Bed  B. Philips, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; and D. Westbrook, D. Pepyne, E. Bass, and D. J. Rude |
| 4:00 PM | 9A.10 | Interaction of gravity waves and horizontal convective rolls: Observations from CASA collected 24 April 2007  J. Brotzge, CAPS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and K. Brewster, J. Gao, and M. Xue |
| 4:15 PM | 9A.11 | The impact of radar data assimilation on a squall line in Mississippi  Pat J. Fitzpatrick, Mississippi State Univ., Stennis Space Center, MS; and Y. Li, C. Hill, H. Karan, E. Lim, and Q. Xiao |
| 4:30 PM | 9A.12 | Using the WSR-88D Storm Structure Product to Develop a Climatology of Northern New England Convective Storms as a Function of Large-Scale Flow  Evan M. Lowery, Plymouth State University, Plymouth, NH; and E. G. Hoffman |
| 4:45 PM | 9A.13 | Mobile Micro Rain Radar deployments in North Carolina  Jessica L. Proud, Renaissance Computing Institute, Chapel Hill, NC |
| 5:00 PM | 9A.14 | Shipboard Weather Radar Sensing: Current and Planned Capabilities  Timothy Maese, BCI, Moorestown, NJ; and T. J. McNellis, L. Wagner, S. A. Sandgathe, K. Koehler, and R. Case |
| 3:30 PM-5:30 PM, Thursday, 207 Session 9B Virtual Globe (Continued) |
| 3:30 PM | 9B.5 | Archived severe weather warnings for virtual globe applications  Chad Hutchins, STG, Inc., Asheville, NC; and S. Ansari |
| 3:45 PM | 9B.6 | Real-time and recent historical weather data in Google Earth  Travis M. Smith, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and V. Lakshmanan and K. L. Ortega |
| 4:00 PM | 9B.7 | Visualization of meteorological satellite data in Google Earth  Thomas J. Kleespies, NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD |
| 4:15 PM | 9B.8 | GeoFish - linking particle tracking models with GIS  Tiffany C. Vance, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA; and C. W. Moore and S. Mesick |
| 4:30 PM | 9B.9 | Challenges of Displaying Dynamic Weather Content in Interactive Mapping Solutions  Scott Ganson, Weather Decision Techologies, Norman, OK; and J. T. Johnson |
| 4:45 PM | 9B.10 | Currently available and supported graphics metafile formats and the challenges they present for use in forecasting applications  James E. Ramer, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Boulder, CO |
| 5:00 PM | 9B.12 | Comparison of Virtual Globe technologies for depiction of radar beam propagation effects and impacts  Scott T. Shipley, George Mason Univ., Fairfax, Virginia; and R. M. Steadham and D. S. Berkowitz |
| 5:30 PM, Thursday Conference Ends |